Full Version: A special thread - Just for lz
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This is the last thread he should ever post in......

[Image: special-ed.jpg]
i hate it when i find ken funny
As funny as this is, sorry Ken, I can't let you go 2 for 2. The board might self destruct or something.

Can someone translate the big words like and and it for LZ? Thanks in advance.
me too. it's happening alot lately. i'm afraid.
Quote:Can someone translate the big words like and and it for LZ
this sentence almost made my head explode
Let's all play nice and make LZ feel like part of the group.
[Image: sp012830.jpg]
I fixed it for you to make it more understandable. Sorry, it seems I am getting infected by him as well.


this thread is dead!!!!!!
Look everyone, Hero Of The Stupid even points and laughs at himself. Fuckin hopeless.

[Image: shortbus.jpg]
will someone explain VROOM to me? please?
And I got a beautiful wife who makes lots of money and lets me stay home and play.
[Image: 599C-Down-Syndrome-Actor2-sm.jpg]
ken, you are soooooooooooooo jealous.
I am jealous cause of your jet set lifestyle, and celebrity friends.
[Image: chrisburke.gif]
you're jealous for other reasons....but i won't mention them.
Ken, I am sorry, i don't think this one can be saved.

It's dead, dude.
I am also jealous of your many achievements.
[Image: 121917-46087.jpg]
Quote:Ken, I am sorry, i don't think this one can be saved.

It's dead, dude.

thank you very much!
Special Ed Special Ed Momma drop him on his head :bouncer: