Full Version: I know it's sunday but.....
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Pages: 1 2
you guys are being really boring today. I keep checking in between my household construction gigs and nothing is going on. Let's step it up, okay?
We suck.
:lookatme: Hi Arpi :lookatme:
:lookatme: Hi Moron :lookatme:
Well. You asked for it.

:lookatme: Hi Godly! :lookatme:
Confuseduicide: Die Arpi!Confuseduicide:

Rolleyes awwww... did i hurt 'ems feelings?
[Image: cry.gif]
What's up negros
Yo! :lookatme:
Hi :lookatme:

I'm almost done with my paper!Confuseduicide:
This thread doesn't suck.
Quote:This thread doesn't suck.
Who asked you, mr. i'm too cool to answer my IM's?
I give my opinion wether it's wanted or not. Because I'm too cool to answer my IM's.
you are a dingleberry of the biggest magnitude
C'mon! Let's shake it up! :firebounce:
Shake it up baby now....twist and shout...
Shake yer groove-thang! Yeeeeeeeeaaa BAbeeeeeeeeeee!
Pages: 1 2