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[Image: mj.jpg]
Better yet, Toilet Paper!! Just imagine the joy of wiping you ass with Howard Stern's face, or maybe using Pamela Andersons big lips and imagining that she is licking you bung whole, with would then make you pull out a couple of more sheets so you could blow a load all over her face.....
Well we can take it a step further.

Celebrity Penis Tampons. Imagine inserting Shaq into you love hole at that time of the month.
Celebrith Vagina Condoms. You can fuck Pam Anderson while fucking your girl at the same time.
I'm thinking Shaq is for the "heavy flow" days.
Uhm, I can't throw a shoe down my wife's vagina.
Well then instead of Shaq, you could use the "Froy Tampon". For extra light days.
These are a little less gay.
<font color=white>Hope this link works. It's firewalled for me.</font>
Hey Maynard,
did you get your Ladi Gloves.....It's a little tight, but you'll get your whole hand in.
I sleep like a baby when I use my Polly sheets.
I got my Keyser Hat,
It's adjustable to fit a bigger head, everyday.
Its a lovely accessory to go along with the Ken's Pen brand© restraining order.
can I get close enough to whack it without binoculars???
Quote:These are a little less gay
so, i guess they're experiencing a surge in gay gladiator sheet orders this morning...
Quote:What's wrong with Teen Beat? Last month's issue had Froy on the cover. I couldn't resist buying it.

i thought i was the only one with pictures of froy
This guy has a picture of froy:

[Image: froy.jpg]
Pages: 1 2