Full Version: What did you accomplish today - I know i think it's been done before but
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Quote:I will inquire with my Haberdasher to see which maker of pipes produces something that would best accent my BROOKS BROTHERS suit.

[Image: this-is-not-a-pipe.jpg]

I decided where to go for lunch.
i made this post
I am going to hound you,
to follow you,
and to proclaim for all to see,
how retarded you truly are,

All you have to do to stop me,
is make posts that crack the 70s IQ barrier you operate with.
sad, truely sad.

and by the way.....i don't have to do anything, you're doing a good enough job of presenting yourself as an ass.

HI SEAN!:lookatme:
Quote:HI SEAN! :lookatme:

Don't you have some pennies to eat or something along that line?
hey half wit...
the word is truly
damn.....I AM STILL WAITING for my Pen PM! :disappointed:
Sorry Dear,
I will get right on it.

look at 95% of all the other posts and you'll find quite a few

look at 95% of all the other posts and you'll find quite a few
attaboy, revel in your incompetence.
Quote:revel in your incompetence
that's right!

i will.

Quote:Posted: July 16 2002,10:37

jealousy is such an ugly emotion.
how true it is. right ken?

Edited By LZMF1 on July 16 2002 at 12:39
even dead, he's smarter than you.....
dead einstein>lab rat>LZ
[Image: Einstein.gif]
once again.

<span style='font-size:57pt;line-height:100%'>SAD</span>

got any new ones?
LZ, is that you dancing in your sig? If it is, you look silly, but I wish I knew how to do cool stuff. :clueless:
nope, not me. it does look like me a bit but i have no rhythm.
LZ someone wants to have a word with you.....
[Image: weakest-link.jpg]
Okay, so I don't feel so bad about being computer incompetent.

I wonder if I'll get to play on the internet if I get this new job? It would be horrific if I actually worked all day :crackhead:
Does anyone else feel that Ken is on the verge of going postal or is it just me?
Don't be scared OAS, I'm strapping...I'll protect ya'
Quote:it does look like me a bit but i have no rhythm.
You did manage not to break the camera, when you had your helmet on. Mellonhead :thumbs-up:
Quote:Don't be scared OAS, I'm strapping...I'll protect ya'
Gah damn that's hot! :rofl:
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