Full Version: I have a question that has me baffled
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Quote:like a line
nope.. I line has both width and height. Granted, one of those two is miniscule, but it's still there. In order for something to be 1-dimensional, it must consist entirely of either width or height, but not both (Depth is clearly defined as being the 3rd dimension). The simple fact that you can even SEE a line is indicative of the fact that is exists within 2 dimensions. It is impossible for us to be aware of anything that exists in less than 2 dimensions.
With this in mind, I would almost have to conclude FTL was saying over here we liked assholes who were unnoticeable.

Since Sean is a self proclaimed "asshole" who is, quite frankly, impossible NOT to notice, I'd have to disagree with FTL..

But then again.. we do have DIG and Arpi here as well, soo....
Quote:And PLEASE for the love of god do not add any features here!! Their board software is so slow and sucks anyway. (and no i'm not saying that just cause they kicked me out
hahaha guess who said that :rofl:

and now another question: if he was kicked out, how the hell was he here last night?
Quote:But then again.. we do have DIG and Arpi here as well, soo....
now that seph has left us, did you get dibs on his clothes?
christ, someone has some serious issues. this asshole obviously is upset he can't post here anymore. can you blame him? now he's stuck posting on that shithole of a message board and the realization is causing him to express misdirected anger. he should be angry with himself for being such a poor excuse for a human being.
This thread makes no sense to me. When I was invited to join, I was told this was the site for Ex and current people who no longer wanted to deal with the drama, hassles, and just plain horse shit that has. So why are we even discussing that board. This basically just brings us down to that level.

Granted I still post there as I do still have friends that I talk to there that are not here, but I keep the boards seperate.
Quote:Granted I still post there
personally, i find it amusing that some people get so uptight about silly little things. so, this thread is giving me a giggle, why not talk about it?
Hey... I didn't manage to get BANNED for "Hi" threads now did I?

How the hell do you get banned over there? I tried and failed. I can't even get banned.

Edited By Jack Meehoff on July 15 2002 at 11:24
Quote:When I was invited to join,
even you were invited? :disappointed:
Quote:even you were invited?

Shhh... I don't want anyone to know that I just happened to stumble accross this website.
I would take one dimensional to mean gimmicky.
Quote:How the hell do you get banned over there? I tried and failed. I can't even get banned.
Well.. if you really WANT to all you have to do is ask.
What? CDIH members have gimmicks? Who... Please share.
Quote:the drama, hassles, and just plain horse shit

Hmm...We do have a lot of shit here, so maybe that's what me meant. If we add the other two dimensions of drama and hassle, we will be like Homer that time he stepped throught the portal into 3D world

Mmmmmm....erotic cakes
anybody ever see that movie tron?
Quote:This thread makes no sense to me. When I was invited to join, I was told this was the site for Ex and current people who no longer wanted to deal with the drama, hassles, and just plain horse shit that has. So why are we even discussing that board. This basically just brings us down to that level.

No one is making drama, do you see anyone making drama? It's a discussion board, so calm down.
I tried to get banned too. Didn't work. :-(

Quote:seanc01d (10:07:27 PM): is he calling us one trick ponies?
seanc01d (10:07:34 PM): no, froy has the pony
This comment made the thread worth reading.
Quote:This thread makes no sense to me. When I was invited to join, I was told this was the site for Ex and current people who no longer wanted to deal with the drama, hassles, and just plain horse shit that has. So why are we even discussing that board. This basically just brings us down to that level.

Because for one this ammuses me and two, I would at least like some one to single us out than to lump us all together like that.

I mean, who the fuck wants to be lumped with LZ?
Quote:I mean, who the fuck wants to be lumped with LZ?

Ken'spen, might make for an improvement.

Who knows he may land psycho bitch next time with his suave PM's.
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