Full Version: I have a question that has me baffled
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Ok, so FollowThisIdiot doesn't like us here. As much of a shock as this is for me, I understand. but, what I don't understand is one line this ass licking douche bag used:

Quote:If you want to be a one-dimensional asshole about it, STAY OVER THERE, they love one-dimensional assholes.

I asked CRX about this and she seems to be just as dumb founded as me. What in the name of christ is this spineless dolt babbling about?

Quote:seanc01d (10:06:22 PM): If you want to be a one-dimensional asshole about it, STAY OVER THERE, they love one-dimensional assholes.

seanc01d (10:06:34 PM): we do?
CRXGirl (10:06:38 PM): yeah, i'm not really sure what that really means
CRXGirl (10:07:06 PM): is he calling us cartoons? no, that would be two dimensional
CRXGirl (10:07:07 PM): right?
seanc01d (10:07:18 PM): yeah
seanc01d (10:07:27 PM): is he calling us one trick ponies?
seanc01d (10:07:34 PM): no, froy has the pony

I am really confused and would really apreciate a little clarity on this matter.

Thank you in advance.
I thought this was going to be a question about why a home attendant would bite a pitbull on the head.... Undecided
I suppose you can IM him and find out yourself.
Quote:I suppose you can IM him and find out yourself.

Now why would i do something silly like that?
so if cartoons are 2 dimensional, then what is 1 dimension?
Because he is the one that made the comment, not us. Personally, I don't think it matters either way.
Quote:so if cartoons are 2 dimensional, then what is 1 dimension?
Something that only has one side, like a line.

Edited By The Sleeper on July 15 2002 at 10:18
Quote:Because he is the one that made the comment, not us. Personally, I don't think it matters either way.

Hey, sue me for wanting to understand how I am being insulted. If youy don't like the thread, well, don't answer then, I am not pulling you by the arm to hit the add reply button.
Actually I think it means:

2-d > you. Huzzah!
Quote:Something that only has one side, like a line.
but isnt that what cartoons are?lines?
From the encyclopedia:

"...the space we inhabit is three-dimensional, a plane or surface is two-dimensional, a line or curve is one-dimensional, and a point is zero-dimensional."
actually, cartoons are always considered 2D unless it is presented in 3D. Why I know this is beyond me as well.
Well we all inhabit space so we are all three-dimensional. FTL obviously didn't pay attention in school or he would know this.
one dimention would be something which only goes lenghtwise or side-to-side, like a line. 2 dimentions would be lenghtwise and side-to-side, like a cartoon. 3 dimentions would be if you added depth to the mix.

hope i was helpful in solving the confusion.
does he mean that all we do is complain and see stuff from one perspective? :clueless:
Quote:does he mean that all we do is complain and see stuff from one perspective?

But, what do we complain about that would irk FTL soooooo much? Is it because he can't play with us?
Quote:does he mean that all we do is complain and see stuff from one perspective?
what does that have to do with lines and curves. Geez, stay on topic.
posts related to the topic-6
posts related to my question-7
Quote:Is it because he can't play with us?

You're soooo one dimensional.
Quote:posts related to the topic-6
posts related to my question-7

And for this your mother is probaly very proud of you. Go give her a hug.
my favorite crayon is burnt siena
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