Full Version: Vince mcmahon's contract has been renewed.
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Eric Bischoff is now the new GM of Raw. I never thought I would see the day that Bischoff of all people would step into a WWE ring.

The shock value alone will send the ratings up a little for a while, but where do they go from here. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary tonight.

I guess the only thing that would shock me now is to see Ted Turner show up as the Smackdown GM.
I don't follow it much anymore, but I thought Bischoff was fired/quit the company?
Uhm.. Maybe you are thinking of Austin. Bischoff was McMahons rival over in WCW. Bischoff was the man that Vince hated the most second to Ted Turner.
Bischoff was courted by WWE for the last 3 months. This was no had been pending over cash and contract specifics for a while, until he and Vince negotiated directly. This was planned back when the NWO was first introduced, but not in this current incarnation, most likely.
i think this is the way they are going to used to bring in goldberg
I was at the show last night and no one expected it too be Bischoff. When he walked past during the Booker T interview the arena was in shock. everyone around me thought the GM was gonna be either Foley or Shane. Well either might be for Smackdown. Bischoff sucked in WCW and ran that shit into the ground. I hope Vince keeps a tight lease on his ass. And fuck Goldberg. He's lazy in and out of the ring. WWE doesn't need his shit.
My belief is that Shawn Michaels will be Smackdown's GM, and go with a DX-in-charge, god help us all, angle with the recooping Triple H. Bischoff will try to get Rock, Trips, and fail miserably, setting the stage for Steiner, Goldberg and possibly Sting. Remember, all three are balking at joining the WWE...however, all had good relations with Bischoff. Bischoff's main role maybe to be the impetus to getting these guys signed and creating RAW in the WCW-Nitro image with a higher level of talent.
But does the WWE need those old WCW guys on the roster? I dont think so. They have so much talent right now and they dont use the majority well. I mean enough with teaming 2 superstars against another 2 for a main event. Just make it a double main event night. Then the ratings will go up.Goldbergs boring Sting wants to stay retired and Steiner......Well he'd be a good pick for Vince. Just leave the other brother at home.
Quote:but I thought Bischoff was fired/quit the company?

That was vince russo