Full Version: Maynard is not a dick - I think he is a dren
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I think Maynard gets a lot of bad press.
Since Apri is out of my life,
I think MayMay may be my new best friend....
(guy friend, relax crx)
Bad press, eh. Does this mean Maymay is the Spiderman of this board...or the Anna Nicole Smith??
I hope my buddy tosses you in the cell for that.
This thread sucks
Quote:This thread sucks
I second that
[Image: spidermay.jpg]
jealousy is such an ugly emotion.
that picture is priceless maynard
thanks to the Dren, this thread no longer sucks.
Hiya buddy! I'm on my second cup of coffee....

[thought]john never has two cups of coffee at home[/thought]
may, i just finished my first liter(33.8oz.) now i'm working on my second.

(i just woke up)
Liter? Of????
Knowing him, vodka probably.
But not just any Vodka Maymay....

premium Vox brand vodka!!!!
Quote:Liter? Of????
maxwell house coffee.

sorry ken, it's not a super premium brand. i know how disappointed you are to hear that.
This thread almost came back...
Thanks to LZ, it sucks again.
Can we tar and fuck LZMF? I mean really, is there ANYTHING that he touches that doesnt turn to instant shit?
may, you're already a pile of need no help from me
Quote:may, you're already a pile of need no help from me

Maymay, in the elementary school playground that is LZ's mind,
you have just been burned.
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