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The six proposed designs for what to do with the WTC site were unveiled today. CCN article on the proposals.

Whenever this site gets updated, it will show the six proposals in detail so the public can comment on them: Lower Manhattan Developement Corp.

So, the question is, what do you think should be done on the site? And, once the site is updated, which proposal do you prefer?
My opin, before seeing the 6 proposed plansm is they should make the site into a memorial and park in the middle, but also house businesses and shopping, on the outside, and have security features to protect it...b/c it will always be a target. This area requires the commercial element to serve the neighborhood...since WTC was businesses and a mall, really.
I would like to see a huge pyramid like the one in Blade Runner (with angled exterior elevators).
Quote:A serious thread

Quote:I would like to see a huge pyramid like the one in Blade Runner (with angled exterior elevators).

Wow, that lasted a whole two posts.

It would be nice for some sort of memorial on the site but the need for the offices is two great. The need to rebuild and to make money outwieghs the need to do the nice, heart warming thing. I would just be content with the skyline looking as much or as close to it used to.
I think they should build a memorial and also build some sort of cultural center there as well. Anyone who works or goes to school downtown should remember the shows that used to take place on the WTC promenade area in the summers, and I think it would be nice to have something like that there permanently. The site should be a place people go to remember and grieve, but the cultural aspect could also give some life back to the site in a dignified manner. Personally, I don't think they should rebuild offices and a shopping mall on the spot just because of the fact that it is a grave site and I can't imagine many people would want to work there daily.
I can sympathize with those that lost loved ones not wanting it to be built commercially. But this is New York, this is America. I think we should build back up, bigger and better and also memorialize it. I understand one plan includes a biosphere with 2800 some trees, all to be named with a plaque honoring each person that died. I think that rocks!. And don't tell me we cant build big because nobody would rent the space. Everyday, people go into the Empire State Building, The Chrysler Building and the Sears Tower and John Hancock Tower. Fuck the terrorists. We should once again reach towards the sky.
OAS, using the fact that this is New York and America doesn't make it okay to build commercially on what is all too many's final resting place. I lost three friends and a cousin on September 11, none of their bodies or remains have been recovered, and the thought of someone going to work in an office built where they died sickens me. If we have such little respect for the dead, perhaps it is also okay to build commercially in cemetaries too? There's no reason we can't build a new building on a different site.
It is just not financially feasible to build two 110 story buildings today. It would cost twice as much as building four 50 story buildings.

I would like to see something like the blue light display mounted on a couple of the buildings as part of the memorial. Kinda like the colored lights on the Empire State Building.
The terrorists attacked WTC for what it stood for. Capatalisim, world commerece, freedom. If we don't build towers on the same exact spot to honor the dead, I respect that. But somewhere downtown, we need to build new towers.
Somewhere downtown is fine, the same spot is not. I have no issue with new buildings, only an issue with new buildings in the same exact location.
Sorry, you can have all the issues you want. I understand aobut honoring the dead, but, where the fuck else are they going to build them? It's not like NYC has all too many choices of where they can actually erect buildings these days.
I'm sure they could find a space...I mean after all they were going to find a spot to put a new Yankee Stadium in Manhattan. Perhaps its time we honor the dead before we worry about our pockets.
The concepts are up.

Concept 1: Memorial Park
[Image: c1_3drend_v6.jpg]

Concept 2: Memorial Square
[Image: c2_3drend_v6.jpg]

Concept 3: Memorial Triangle
[Image: c3_3drend_v6.jpg]

Concept 4: Memorial Garden
[Image: c4_3drend_v6.jpg]

Concept 5: Memorial Park
[Image: c5_3drend_v6.jpg]

Concept 6: Memorial Promenade
[Image: c6_3drend_v6.jpg]

More Info
There's more info include plan views and skyline views on the site.
I don't remember where I saw the picture, but there was one of a building that was kinda like wrapped looking, it looked very modern, I think I liked it best.
Of these concepts, I think 1 offers the best skyline enhancement and memorial park space.
Yeah, I definitely like the 1st one, the park...

Quote:This concept plan creates an 8-acre plaza west of an extended Greenwich Street, with sites for memorials and buildings for museum/cultural uses. Fulton and Cortlandt streets are extended to Greenwich Street, and Fulton becomes a pedestrian path through the open space to connect to the World Financial Center. West Street express traffic is submerged in a tunnel, and local traffic is carried on a reduced surface boulevard, to allow the open space and memorial or cultural facilities to expand to the west. A tall, freestanding mixed-use tower is located on the northwest corner of the site, which could have an antenna or sculptural top that marks the skyline. This tower would terminate a promenade linking the site to Battery Park, and via ferry, Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty.

or the garden idea, that sounds nice.
I really like the way they left the foundations of the towers as slightly sunken depressions, like the footprints of giants.
I also like the idea of putting West Street/The West Side Highway under ground and turning that whole stretch into a park.

Hey look, Sloats! Concept 4 has a pyramid building with sloped sides! :lol:
I like #5 & they should go right back on the same place. I liked the idea of calling it Phoenix Bldg/s.

People can think of them as a giant headstone, if they like.
I think all of the designs are nice, and also show that we are rebuilding without "dececrating"(sp) the grave of 2800+...of the 6, 1 and 4 are my personal favorites
OK, I am serious. I hate all of the ugly phallic towers juting up to the sky. I think a pyramid would be a nice design change. Make the first couple of floors glass with large open atriums and you will have something beautiful.
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