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When Luna turns into a Werewolfess, will her bush get even hairrier???
She can fit a Harrier Jet in there? What?
How did this get to be about my bush? :clueless: are one obsessed man.

Edited By LunaBabe on July 17 2002 at 12:10
Ode to Luna's Bush:

Tumbling Tumbleweeds

I'm a roaming cowboy riding all day long,
Tumbleweeds around me sing their lonely song.
Nights underneath the prairie moon,
I ride along and sing this tune.

See them tumbling down
Pledging their love to the ground
Lonely but free I'll be found
Drifting along with the tumbling tumbleweeds.

Cares of the past are behind
Nowhere to go but I'll find
Just where the trail will wind
Drifting along with the tumbling tumbleweeds.

I know when night has gone
That a new world's born at dawn.

I'll keep rolling along
Deep in my heart is a song
Here on the range I belong
Drifting along with the tumbling tumbleweeds
I wish Ken would go back to drawing pictures. either that or get hit by a bus
Quote:Talk to me and win a trip to the hole.

:lookatme: Hiya, Grump! :lookatme:
Quote:Talk to me and win a trip to the hole.

Hiya, Grump!

someone wants anal.
<marquee>:moonie: :moonie: :moonie: :moonie: :moonie: :moonie: :moonie: </marquee>
I would have to say that this thread is rather one dimensional. Carry on.
Well, its got one more dimension than any thought coarsing through that wad of useless gray matter stuck between your ears.
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