Full Version: A new ride..... - A gift before i go
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dude - if I could get my own meatpole in my own mouth, I wouldn't need to fuck your sister or even leave my house. Who the fuck are you kidding?
Dude, if my sister were a 400lb virgin with a hairlip and smelled like old chili-dogs, your withered turnip of a cock would be the last thing she'd want stuck in her..hehe!! I'm sure she'd rather have her mouth violated by Ken before letting any of your retarded dead appendages near her!!
Quote:if my sister were a 400lb virgin with a hairlip and smelled like old chili-dogs

what do you mean IF? Have you seen her lately?
yeah well she doesn't smell like chili!! Unlike your sister, mine doesn't have a cum funnel that smells like an old rotting block of government cheese
Hey at least it's free. Unlike your sister that I have to spend money on flour. Do you know how many bags of flour it takes me to fuck your sister? I pour 3 damn bags before I find the wet spot and go to town. and half the time I miss the canyon entrance cuz her ass was oozing puss again.
We tried flour on your mom but the shit turned to cement and sealed all that filth in her for days....almost got Dysentary...Mmmmm Nice!!
Dysentary should be the least of your problems. and I always knew when you showed up. I'd have to dig out the hammer and chisel so she could pee. Speaking of peeing, how's your grandma doin? Snuka still taken her over for the weekly gangbang at the old age home?
Dude grandma keeled a few weeks ago:-( Ah fuck it, grab a shovel, lets dig her up and have!! Snuka railed her pretty good one night for 3 hours until he realized she had died 2.5 hours!!
damn....snuka got a warm cadavor? that's a first for him. Hey, ya think old grannie has rigamortis. I can go borrow the shovel from Ken is she does.
LMAO...yeah, i think he's TFEC's done shoveling dirt back on her new home. We're gonna need something to prop open the lid on Granny's casket.
oh who that fuckin retard play her. Now the body is ruined, damn it! the last time TFEC fucked a corpse, he cut off her vag. I don't care if it was his aunt. It's not fun fuckin a huge gaping hole.

oh wait...I take that back. Bangin your mom can be fun sometimes if I liquor her up and tell her I'm Ricky Martin.
I don't have to liquor your mom up...all i gotta do is tell her i'm KFC and she devours my lumber to the balls.....says a lot for your mom.
yeah...she must have mistaken it for one of those popcorn shrimp. It's about the same size, aint it?
I wouldn't know, why don't you open your eyes the next time you got him making a shot to the back of your tonsild!
He can't, it brings back horrible childhood memories.... "Daddy, Daddy I got an A in school!" ... "Good job kid, now open wide." That's why he failed out of school & can't spell.

Too bad it backfired, now he'll suck dick for cab fare.
Yeah, if Grumpy ever met Samantha Runnion's fate and the coroner asked his dad to identify the body, he'd have to pull UP the sheets and give the 'ol Jumblies a little flicker to make sure he didn't taste like KFC!!
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