Ugh, I just found out I have to go to middle-of-nowhere, you-ain't-from-around-here-are-ya-boy Georgia on Monday. A week in Georgia, I can barely contain my excitement
This place is an hour and a half from Atlanta and about 40 years behind in everything else. So now I have to get on a plane seat that is made for someone who is 5' 2", drive an hour and a half to my crappy Holiday Inn Express, and work on a production floor with people who will pay no attention to what I say because I'm young and have a northern accent. (I don't even know what northern accent is, but I'm pretty sure I don't have it)
Do any of you guys have to travel for your job?
I've had to go to this crappy little town in Texas called San Anglelo a few times. It's an hour flight from Dallas. There is NOTHING near this place but empty crapland. Although the worst is Juarez, Mexcio. I have luckily never had to go there, but I've heard it is one of the most God-forsaken patches of dessert on the planet.
How come I can't get sent to Germany for a few weeks, or Puerto Rico where it's 75 and sunny all year round. Ugh
Note: "You-ain't-from-around-here-are-ya-boy" is a Trademark of Brokenjaw
© 2001
Edited By Doc on July 19 2002 at 11:54
i have managed to travel all over the world with my job and it rocks!! per diem's, new location's , and maid service. i love it!
Yeah, but you're black, so who cares
Business travel is a great opportunity to go places you normally wouldn't go on vacation or couldn't afford to go on your own. I enjoy them.
I have a brother stationed in San Angelo. It's about 300 miles from anything remotely like civilzation. I spent the longest 4 days of my life there last year..good luck!
Quote:How come I can't get sent to Germany for a few weeks, or Puerto Rico where it's 75 and sunny all year round. Ugh
Not everyone can be quite as lucky as Dent.
A couple of years ago, I worked with a company that used to send up all up and down the east coast to do construction jobs. It fuckin blew, big time. We were forced to work 14 hour days cuz most people wanted to get back home as soon as they could. Obviously, they weren't married because if they were, they would have stretched these jobs out for as loing as they could. We did a gig in Atlanta but had zero time to actually do a fuckin thing desides work. From what I did see, though, you aren't missing all that much. Southern City's are just for the shits in general.
I don't really get to travel for work, but if we get the contract for the national conference, we're going to go to San Francisco, and I'll get to go to sign people in....woo.
Quote:Yeah, but you're black, so who cares
Quote:Southern City's are just for the shits in general.
IMO, Dallas, New Orleans and Austin are fun....but the rest just about suck monkey ass.
Atlanta, Boston, DC, Chicago, Las Vegas, LA, San Francisco, Denver, Ft. Lauderdale, Seattle, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Dallas, Phoenix are regular trips for me over the last several years.
You do compile a list of favorite places to eat, drink and kill time. The schedules are hectic, long days, clients at night etc. Traveling to the west coast sucks. You travel all day to get there in the morning to start a whole day all over again.
People have told me it must be nice to travel a lot. My answer to them is no it's not. Add to the fun, air travel post 9/11. Yuk!
you guys just dont know how to do it right. i have been everywhere and always have a great time.
except houston. what a hell hole.
Doc, some tips for surviving Georgia. Talk slow. Plan extra time for everything, nobody does anything quickly there. When you ask a question, be prepared to wait for your answer. People down there "ponder" everything. If asked what MARTA stands for (Atlanta's rapid transit system) answer that with Moving Africans Right Through Atlanta. They will love you with that answer and you will be accepted as one of the Good Ol Boys. And practice refering to people as y'all.
Quote:except houston. what a hell hole.
I went there for a seminar two years ago. What a fuckin dump. First off, I thought they hated negroids in Texas. Well, instead of bitching about NYC, it's time the redneck sister fuckers took care of thier own back yard. The bar sceen? Oh, fuck that, I spent the second of my three day trip in the hotel lounge getting drunk enough that even Ladi's stench was inviting.
was business travel easier before continental drift parted the continents?
Ken, it's been said many times, many ways, you need new material.:disappointed: Ken's Pen, the Rich Vos of CDIH.
Quote:Ken's Pen, the Rich Vos of CDIH
You are kidding, right?
With soooo many people running thier very own "That old gag" competition, Ken can actually be a nice breath of fresh air.
Then again, he can also be as stale as a white castle fart.
But, in this case, I mildly chuckled at his comment.
Quote:Then again, he can also be as stale as a white castle fart.
Bag o rings and frys with a vanilla coke for lunch today. Pretty much sums it up.
:crackhead: Is Texas really that bad? I'm thinking of grad school there. :disappointed:
No Polly Texas as on a whole is pretty good, Houston though sucks ass.
and I am stalking you.....
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