Full Version: Things your afraid to admit......but im not!
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I can admit a lot of things that I just dont care any of you know about. For instance. When I wipe I do sometimes get shit on my hand. First thing I do with it is bring it right to my nose and smell it. AND..I usually like the smell. I have also taken a piss while in the shower. Yeah i know a lot of you may do that. BUT....after i relieved myself i notice the bar of soap laying by the drain. I just pick it up and put it right back in it's place. I also have a problem when pinching a loaf. Some piss squirts out of my juvenile jammer and sprays onto the floor. I just move the rug over and mop it up with that. There was this time I was scratching inside my belly button and was changing channels on the tv with the remote. Later on in the night my wife complained about the smell of the remote. I just said i was eating doritos and changing chanels.

I have much more......but I will give it a rest for now.
I hate to admit this belongs in the short bus.
Just when your ready to fart in bed do you pull the covers over your head so you can marinate in the odor?
I pee in the sink while the dishes are in it.
Quote:I hate to admit this belongs in the short bus.

YOU RAT BASTARD! You cant give me one thread in the pit cant ya. What can i post that doesnt belong here. NOTHING! I didnt post any pics now did I. This is as well behaved as I can get bro.

By the way........ever wonder what the red shaft of a dog dick feels like. IM NOT TELLING :-p
[Image: B000002LEE.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg]
Quote:By the way........ever wonder what the red shaft of a dog dick feels like. IM NOT TELLING

That's not as fun as when they start spraying that weird spam like substance before they cum on your forearm.
Quote:That's not as fun as when they start spraying that weird spam like substance before they cum on your forearm.

OK, Gonzo disgusted me. Go home folks. This is fucking sick.
:lookatme: you so silly snuka
Maymay but I figured you knew everything about puppy love :loveya:
Quote:Maymay but I figured you knew everything about puppy love
Yeah, well I was disgusted because I knew what you meant. :crackhead:
Ohh well then, that's a different story.

Nothing to be ashamed about admiting.

I've gotten my finger stuck in my dogs cunt many times.
The finger isn't the problem in the cunt. It's my dick that keeps getting stuck. Then the fucker has to take a shit and dumps right on my stomach.
If you break a geese's neck before you climax it enhances the orgasm. They tighten up and begin to flinch around.

I admit it, I'm a sad individual.
Usually when I fuck the geese, they get that green shit all over my dick. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to get that green stain off your dick. The wire brush just doesnt do it.
likely story, if you'd clean it once in a while it wouldn't be green.

I've fantasized about fucking my mom.
Ya ever jam a finger down the crack of your sweaty ass-cheeks after mowing the lawn and give it a good sniff??

Ya ever hide in the bushes and watch the neighborhood girls playing in their doll house??

Ya ever take a shit then look down in the bow and wonder what it tastes like and if all shits have the same taste??

Anyone ever use the bathroom at work and wipe a hairy booger on the mirror then wait until someone says something about it??

Ever wonder what urinal cakes taste like??

Anyone ever bang a chick and piss in her at the same time??

Ya ever wonder why dog rockets are always red and taste so salty?? Ooops, sorry snuka, gave it!!
I remember babysitting my cousin. He was 5 years old. I put on japanamation porn for him and told him to stroke the plastic bulge on his power ranger doll. That did wonders for me.
You made him use the doll??
Yeah i was breaking him in.

I have also stuck my finger in my sisters baracuda bounty while she was sleeping.
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