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Hey ken use your powers to unlock this thread...
pull that one off.
You are powerless!!!
Viva la Resistance! :fuckoff:
come on ken look how easy it is...
lets all laugh at ken while he's on the phone begging arpi to sign on and help.
Hey...I just want to state right here and right now that I am innocent in all this.
::hops off the soap box::
Luna , why do you run from your rightful position by our side. feel the power, let it wash over you.
dont let gonzo and his need for us to perform silly parlor tricks confuse you.
Looks like a bowl of fruit loops with all the color in the names, In the members signed in section....No colored fonts please.
what exactly do you mean by coloured fonts?
yeah, what's wrong with colored fonts? you got a problem with things of color? ;-)
(btw, every font has a color. otherwise, you wouldn't be able to see them)
lack of color in fonts is white. Lack of color in light is black.
Dood. Who's got weed?
Actually, if you don't specify a font color, I believe the font would then revert to the system/browser default (usually BLACK, I WIN!!!).
Edited By Kid Afrika on July 24 2002 at 12:37
well yeah. That's true. You are correct.
But in general. lack of color is white in solid form. Like paint and crayons. But if you just mix everything together, it's black.
Yet, it's the reverse for light.
It's sad when you have to resort to font color as a source of pride for your race.
Quote:It's sad when you have to resort to font color as a source of pride for your race.
What else do I have? Al Sharpton? Don King? Luis Farrakhan?
PFFT!!1 I'm sticking with the font color thing.
Quote:It's sad when you have to resort to font color as a source of pride for your race.
Hey, they've got the peanut too.
And traffic lights too.
And, ah, well that's about it, I think.
Quote:Dood. Who's got weed?
i win :fuggin:
Quote:Al Sharpton?
I heard on the news today he's a big fan of the white stuff.