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Salsa is yummy in mac and cheese too.
I'd like Spit to eat spaghetti, and then I'll wait a couple of hours and then try to suck the strands out of her ass. :loveya:
Quote:I'd like Spit to eat spaghetti, and then I'll wait a couple of hours and then try to suck the strands out of her ass.
Wow! I got Short Bus Shivers from that one.

Sauce is red, Gravy is brown
"Mac & cheese" sounds like a pencil jammed in my ear, we've always just said Cheese Noodles :thumbs-up:

um.....Goochie's scaring me now...

:lookatme: HELP!
:fuggin: my shortbus moment of the day.
I'd fuck spit in the ass till she had a stroke.
Gravy is made with meat, bones or meat drippings.
Sauce is not.
My Italian family called it all sauce.

"Mac & cheese"
"Mac & cheese"
"Mac & cheese"
"Mac & cheese"
"Mac & cheese"
"Mac & cheese"
"Mac & cheese"
"Mac & cheese"
"Mac & cheese"
"Mac & cheese"
"Mac & cheese"
"Mac & cheese"
"Mac & cheese"
"Mac & cheese"
"Mac & cheese"
"Mac & cheese"
"Mac & cheese"
"Mac & cheese"
"Mac & cheese"
"Mac & cheese"
"Mac & cheese"
"Mac & cheese"
Etc. infinity...:-p
Yeah, yeah, yeah...

I got your gravy right here in a tube.
maybe he needs Alfredo sauce.
Quote:maybe he needs Alfredo sauce.

For that he'll have to call alkey.
My favorite quick and easy dinner is to take 1 box of mac and cheese, 1 can of cream of mushroom soup, and 1 can of tuna fish.

Cook Macaroni according to direction, except skip the part about the milk/butter cheese mix. Once macaroni has been drained, put back into pan and stir in Cream of Mushroom and Tuna. Once stirred in, add 1/4 cup of milk and cheese sauce mix. Stir well. Enjoy!
don't trust him, it's a resistance ploy.
Quote:we've always just said Cheese Noodles
Well, isn't that special?

Always been known as Macaroni & Cheese to me.

And you guys are right, you put sauce on pasta and gravy on meat. Also, it's MOTTSARELLA, not MOOTZERELL. You want to pronounce things the proper Italian way, go the fuck back to Italy, YOU PRETENTIOUS FUCKS!!!
I've actually made myself Ill eating Hamburger helper macaroni and cheese dinners. They're like crack. I cant stop until I've eaten the whole pan. you just brown up some chop meat like you were making tacos, and follow the directions on the box. The taco dinner Is good also,now that I think of It.
Living on my own while in the navy with zero money for weeks on end taught me to come up with many cheap food alternatives. I actually lived off of celery sticks scooped In peanut butter for a couple of days because i was so broke.
i recently found frozen veggies in the grocery store, i mean like, red and yellow peppers and stuff, i knew they had peas. but, saute those up with some rice, throw in some curry powder and if you have some chicken or beef, more power to ya, but that's some good eating right there...
Nice. Anybody know how to do stir fry? Do you really need a wok or can you just use a big frying pan?

Spanish Rice: One box spanish rice, one can stewed tomatos, browned chopmeat. Mix and cook.
i have discovered Shadybrook Farms Turkey Meatballs.

Don't laugh, they are fuckin incredible.

Pre-made, can just drop them in sauce, top with cheese...throw onto pasta, etc. Taste like Swedish Meatballs...and very unlike Turkey.
Quote:Sauce is red, Gravy is brown're wrong. What about Cream sauces...they are many different colors. I would tend to agree a bit with Sluggo, but my pasta sauce is cooked with meat and sometimes sausage...thus then inbyfacto making it gravy!!!
When you are speaking of Italian sauce/gravy that's how it works...
But like I said, I've always called it all sauce when it has to do with pasta.
gravy: on meat, made from meat-fat mostly.

sauce: made to top a dish, usually something different than the food that it's going on.
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