Full Version: He must be stopped!
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Make sure he hasn't done anything to the passwords for you guys.
Quote:OAJackMeehoff: Somebody should probably let Sean out.
OAJackMeehoff: He is starting to seriously get pissed.
SoupSoupAD: are you kidding me?
SoupSoupAD: sean is in the hole?
OAJackMeehoff: Yeah. Gonzo put him there.. He also changed The Boss's password and the FTP password.
SoupSoupAD: anarchy
OAJackMeehoff: To sum it up in 1 word
NOW IS THE TIME TO STRIKE!! Gonzo has logged off. Strike now before he returns.
How'd I know that?
AM has joined their side. He plans to rid us of Maynard. And while thats not bad, think of what he will do to the rest of us.
Am is harmless
Oh man...what a big mess! Undecided
i'm telling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;-)

Edited By HyBriD on July 24 2002 at 8:41
rebellion after rebellion...can i be in this one, too?
Too late. We already conquered the threat.
can we claim i was involved, then?moral support...
I don't see any harm in that.
whoo hoo!i toppled two dictatorships in one day

Edited By fbdlingfrg on July 24 2002 at 8:56
We have another one on the horizon. Gonzo has re-risen to power.
his first act...imprisioning spit.shall we go campaign to get her out?
We can start a petition. Yeah.. that will work.
should I sign?
Crisis averted. Nothing to see here folks.. Please move along.
so how long until the next problem?i give it an hour
Quote:so how long until the next problem?i give it an hour
Somebody...Please! Just shoot me now! Confuseduicide:
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