Full Version: He must be stopped!
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The mentally unbalanced one cannot see our plans from here

I agree.

La Resistance was about abolishing the tyranny of Arpikenlu. By doing so, we have put into power a force that was even greater.
I'm being very quiet...just like a little mouse....SSSSHHHHHHHHHHHH
hehehe.....I played with lots of buttons.

What are we to do to stop this evil force?
How did this happen?

and hey, even if we don't get anything done, there's a growroom still going down here to make you jail experience a bit more pleasant :fuggin:

Edited By Spitfire on July 24 2002 at 8:14
I'm clueless. I'm only good for ranting and raving. Sorry.
I don't know how this happened...I really don't. :disappointed:

I was abducted into this ArpiKenLu...I was not just happened.

:-( :-( :-( :-( UndecidedUndecidedUndecidedUndecided
Come on Jack! Think! We need your help...:lookatme:
How about.. .no that won't work...
Or wait we could.. no that won't work either.
OH! Spit! Ya gotta save Sluggo somehow with your super powers!
He's coming, I hope...

Which mods/admins were logged in when Sluggo tried to jail the Psycho?
AHHHH.. They are on to us.

:fuggin: was just Gonzo if I recall correctly.
Quote:please bring me Spit on a silver platter. She's been bad...very bad. Thank you.
Was posted by Gooch in "We have been betrayed my children"
Nah, that's Gooch trying to lure me into his twisted mind....

scary... :crackhead:
How about we make a Gonzostyle group with Gonzo and Sleeper being only able to read topics, not respond to them.

Then they could watch as their doings are undone and the board is returned to a state of normalcy. It would drive them insane as they would have no power to stop it.

Edited By Jack Meehoff on July 24 2002 at 8:27
That just might work...

See Jack, I knew you had it in ya! :thumbs-up:
He escaped immediately after I jailed him...If he's not around...Keyser and You are our only hope.
Keyser thinks this is funny. He would not help. I altready tried IMing him.
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