Ahhhh! Smell that nice clean fragrance in the Pit.
Feels like home again :-D
oopsie! I forgot to let Ken out of the Cell....
Should I?
I think the effort will be too much of a strain on me
I'll take care of that for you...
Quote:This is your message board on crack. Any questions?
most appropriate tag line EVER
yup, that's why I put it up there.
Come on fdbdfkld;, celebrate! Now WE won!
:toast: :fuggin:
mokey: :fuckign: :blow:
Heres the keg.. Enjoy!
sean is an assist. admin now?? weird
It wouldn't let me change that to anything else...he'll probably be able to fix it...
Hey, Hybrid, what were you saying about telling? Telling who, huh? Are you a snitch, boy?
who, me....no..never..... ::runs away::
hey...that name was never red before
christ, this day is weird
Enjoy the night in the cell spit, oops can't read this can ya?
my god, I had a shorter mod tenure than Just Jon
I feel like I should be waving a white flag or something....
I'm sorry sleeper, blame spit.