I will tell you all about it over the next few days.
let it go...
YOU might like that,
cause my dick smells of small child,
well children...
Grumpy's to be exact.
I think their screams meant they were into it,
I think.
You know they were the inspiration for my status.
Edited By Ken'sPen on July 24 2002 at 10:55
Grumpy has a dick?
yeaaaaah ok... what next, balls?
Let it all out, Ken.
Don't let it fester in the pit of your stomach.
you know I can't be angry when teh luna is near....
but you will leave eventually and then
C'mon! Spit it out, Pookie-Wookie! :loveya:
awwwwww sugar bear,
you're making my tummy tum go all fluffy,
go so I can be mad again.
Hello my little sugar plum!
![[Image: wave.gif]](http://www.plauder-smilies.de/wave.gif)
hey buttercup,
It is almost night night time.
I'll make sure we play smushy face before I leave.
Yeah like that bothers a cum guzzler such as yourself.
Hey man, once ya get past the salty taste it's all downhill..lol!!
That's odd...the last I checked I had a vagina....I don't think I mysteriously grew a penis. :clueless:
::runs to the bathroom to check::
Quote:Hey man, once ya get past the salty taste it's all downhill..lol!!
So not true, there's always the smell of amonia.
what's the matter mouth full?
Quote:what's the matter mouth full?
yeah...he's got some left overs from kens mom he's been sucking on. Fucker took all the good parts and left me with NOTHIN. bastard!