Full Version: This is an outrage - A travesty
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Pages: 1 2
Will Amy get a I love Mike tat?
Mike Francesa does not care about your life.
i think if he does sign up no one will believe its him at first
Will Mike's girlfriend be made a Mod, too?
Will Mike's screename be in code so nobody knows it's him, somehing like IAMMIKE?
will he make fun of the board and refuse to talk about it on the air but continue posting under a different name?
Will Sean keep inflation down or will he raise the "you can talk to me" fee to $30?
will sean start dating a horse?
Quote:will sean start dating a horse?
Of course, of course (that old gag).
Hi kids. :thumbs-up:

:looses collar:
hey maymay
Don't worry May...
They won't kill us...

::gulp:: ::Runs to hide::
:lookatme: hi manyard! where ya been?
Confusedlowly sidestepping out of the thread:
GET BACK HERE!~!!!!!!!
I'm getting frightened...
Someone, anyone, hold me.
::holds sex god::
vroom to sleep vroom to sleep
vroom vroom vroom vroom vroom vroom vroom vroooooom
Pages: 1 2