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Mock my coding skills.....laugh at me for not knowing this....I really don't give a fuck. Just HELP ME!!!!

I am trying to do form validation using JS code and can't get past this error with the first field on my form:

'document.formname.fieldname.value' is not an object

I'm not a JS expert but I'm going to take a crack at it for you.

check your script to make sure that "'document.formname.fieldname.value' " is defined and attached to something. it looks like you're trying to link the form field to a database (if I'm presuming correctly). Make sure you have a clear cut link from the form value to the corresponding value in the database.
AIM me, I need to see the full code.
I haven't gotten to that in school yet...
But i was thinking along the same lines as Mr. Grump...
Keyser - me no have AIM, so can't send full code :-(

Grump - your assumption is correct, but patching through to the database is a future step in this process. Right now I'm just trying to put form validation into place before connecting to the DB. Oh, and if this helps...the script works in Netscape but NOT in MSIE. Go figure!!
email it to me

<!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">mailto:[email protected]</a><!-- e -->
Metal - the validation may not work depending on what value you're looking for. If you're validating against a database, the field definitions may need to be in place (i.e. - varchar (20) ). If it's working in Netscape and not in IE, IE is notorious for not working well with JavaScript. The commie bastards prefer that you use VisualJ or one of their other products to build Javascript coding. this of course goes right along for their plans of dotnet they are planning. Coming soon, MS will no longer support JAVA. Their platform of choice will be dotnet (whatever the fuck that is). is a complete rebuild of VB...
Fucking stupid if you ask me...
Keyser - mail.

Grump - like I said...the DB is even't connected yet. I'm just checking on the form itself to ensure that data has been entered into each of the fields. I'll blow up the DB bridge when I get there :thumbs-up:
dude - you need to build that bridge before you blow it up. but from the sounds of it, with Netscape working and IE not, I'm not 100% sure it's a DB problem at this point.

And sean thinks I can't write a simple post without using Short Bus lingo.....bah!

DB = chumpool
Form validation = vaginal crabs
Javascript = smegma

Does that work for ya?
.NET is Microsoft's grand plan to combine many web services into one convienent package. Of course I have the shivers because I don't trust a solution that combines web services from MS when they have already had viruses for it and it hasn't even been released.
EDIT: Nevermind. A minute ago, this was an enraged flame about why my post was deleted. AM kindly explained to me that we lost a few posts,... I must have missed the announcement. Sorry.

Edited By SYNTuesday on July 29 2002 at 01:00