Please don't ignore me...
We need to stick together, else the powers that be will remove us from existance.
pssst....sluggo. Leave some green stuff at the door. She'll be back quicker than you know. :fuggin:
It's there...Along with some cubes of brown stuff.
nags the weed::
::runs away::
Quote:Along with some cubes of brown stuff.
beef boullion?
Edited By Kid Afrika on July 25 2002 at 10:58
Yeah...Tha's it...:wink,wink:
So, we have moved on to Hash now? Fuckin people, I had a bunch of druggies as mods, no wonder shit got all fucked up.
are we voting for mods all over again?
Don't blame drugs, Sean, they have nothing to do with my incompetance.
Awww, how cute, look at amy, she didn't even wate for the funeral and she is already jumping in grave. See, now thats fuckin motivation if I ever saw it.
im not jumping, its more like dancing
Steal my weed,and then dance on my grave?
thats what u get for denying me of vroom
It's not a grave. I don't see no damn headstones. Looks more like a mass burial to me.
im so confused.
reminds me of Auschvitz in a weird kinda way.
Come to me VG...
I'll make it all better.
Quote:im so confused.
You and me both.
Is this the post revolution hang-over party?