Full Version: Thanks snuka
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No C4.. But I got some Trinitrotoluene.

Snuka's account has been hijacked, he's probably ut fuckin howie.
Quote:No C4.. But I got some Trinitrotoluene.

Got any zoloft?
nope its me...just use the admin powers and check the IP add...nevermind
Quote:Got any zoloft?

Now you're talkin'
Why do you want anti-depressants?
I checked, it is indeed snuka.
Quote:I checked, it is indeed snuka

:blow: yes sir e bob it is me.
Is this really me?
yeah sluggo i think it is. still sucks to be you huh. :-p

im drinkin some killians. pop open one tilt it back. CHEERS
It most definately doesn't suck to be me...
What am I saying...
Yes it fucking does.
Can I have the Acura then? :-p
I didn't say I was killing myself or anything...
Yeah it is snuka, I can smell him from a mile away. Smells like johnson baby wash and a the cum dumpster in back of ladi's trailer.
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