Don't mind me people I'm going on a rant...don't feel you need to reply or give me advise....NOW!I I'm so fucking sick and tired of people taking advatage of my fucking white trash neighbors..i swear to fucking god i can not take it anymore.......YES I hit my fucking breaking point....My life has blown for the last 6 months...enough with God, for You taking enough family members away...I'm jealous when there is a board get together from this board...Lord now's i want to be there...but something ONCE again FUCK"S up...ok need to do something....make dinner..whatever...whew!!!..and no pissy ant's breaking my fucking chops i spelled something wrong..night all!!
ps. I don't care what you people think about me.But I have to do this NOW!!My husband isn't home yet.I just found out I have the big C.So, let the tooling begin.damn!!Going in Wednesday.I'm just hping there are 2 or 3 of you would like to know, and care!!Be back whenever..........
Sorry about the cancer.
yeah seans lost it, what is next is he gonna let mavric on.... :disappointed:
My cousin's phone is still taking meassages.Her husband is still calling....Anybody else?He just called me and asked to post this.
My cousin's phone is still taking meassages.Her husband is still calling....Anybody else?He just called me and asked to post this.
Calm down the vasectomy will go just fine.
How fucking dare you.....He is still trying.....the kids are waiting for her to pick up...sssssssssshhhhhhhhhh
Just focus on your simultaneous abortion/chemotherapy.
damn Fourth time.....not meant to be.43 with a kid.FU God I wanted this baby at 23!!!!
Can anything go "Right" in my life?
I really, really thought in my heart this "Baby" would be the one....
hee hee. i needed this to brighten my day :-D thanks!
Quote:fucking white trash neighbors
hey im not to keen on you either.
Quote:My life has blown for the last 6 months...
Quote:I just found out I have the big C.
hehe, it's funny cuz it's not me :rofl: :lol: :rofl:
Glad my previous posts were deleted.
What the fuck was that all about?
2 days of posts are gone...some sort of database problem.
now i can't impress women here.
Quote:2 days of posts are gone...some sort of database problem.
now i can't impress women here.
huh-huh.... huhuhuhuh... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ROTFTOSATHYTBFOBBM
Edited By FNMoron on July 29 2002 at 12:15
Quote:I just found out I have the big C
The big cunt?:poke:
Quote:I really, really thought in my heart this "Baby" would be the one....
How can you be pregnant when your tubes got removed when you had ovarian rot?

Someone here Is a God-damn comedic genious. My jaw dropped for half a second before i figured it out.