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Quote:I did it. I like Maynard
Hi JAck!

Wether I'm reinstated or not doesn't matter. Arpi and Jack are doing a good job so far. Fuck Ken. He's a dick.
Quote:Fuck Ken. He's a dick.
I took your job.....
I took your "Maynard is a Dick persona"
why are you still here.
give me the dust bunny on your chin and leave.
This election is worse than Gore v Bush in the state of Florida.

Save the Maygay!
Quote:give me the dust bunny on your chin and leave.
Awww Ken. You're the best. :loveya:
i think things would be alot less contentious if maymay took kens spot:loveya:
But I wanna share Ken's spot. :loveya:
Luna is going to toss both of you in the cell for your blatant homo eroticisms.
luna doesnt have the huevos
enough with this fucking scam. Get rid of this jackass and bring in a real mod like Maynard. The people have spoken. Don't we have any say in the way this community OUR COMMUNITY is run?
she tossed me in
Quote:enough with this fucking scam. Get rid of this jackass and bring in a real mod like Maynard. The people have spoken. Don't we have any say in the way this community OUR COMMUNITY is run?
someone gets awfully mouthy when they think they have a friend to keep them out of the cell;-)
Quote:Get rid of this jackass and bring in a real mod like Maynard
Of which jackass do you speak?
Quote:Get rid of this jackass
I don't think Sean would appreciate you calling him that
Hi Galt! :lookatme:

I voted for ya!
Quote:Hi Galt!

I voted for ya!
Luna is going to be crushed when she reads that....
With her mod skills don't be surpised if she does this.
to show her displeasure.
Quote:Your just mad cause you had the shortest tenure as mod this side of sleeper.
I'm amazed at how truly clueless Jack really is...:disappointed:

and for the record... Maymay sucks at the moderating.... sucks even more at the posting... but he's really good at the ass-kissing:moonie:
you leave my maymay alone, you big bully. he is the cats meow!
Quote:you leave my maymay alone, you big bully. he is the cats meow!
I think he is a big pussy, let him have it. You're killing me.

You know who you are.
Quote:but he's really good at the ass-kissing
So Maymay tosses yer salad?
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