Quote:Just remember...you exist because people like me and other old timers ever gave you the time of day and spoke with you!!
you are an idiot. thats all i have to say
Fuck you too ya newbie scumbag..get in line...maybe i'll let you lick the sweat off my other sack once Maynard's done suckling!! Just remember...just because you have 4000 friggin no life having posts doesn't make you king!! There's a line of people who i respect more than your johnny come lately ass!! And what's with you, and your strawberry shortcake pedophile sig....you're the one with the real issues!! A little girl getting nailed by a stuffed bear?? What's the matter, couldn't get your hands on the Samantha Runnion crime scene pics? Go ahead douchebag...take another shot to the back of the tonsils you kid touching freak!! Why the fuck are you even in here...get back to scripture study with the rest of the "mutants"!
Goodnight dorks.....maybe tomorrow will be another day.......until you get up and look in the mirror and realize, you're still a nobody with 4000 posts and still wearing the same semen-pasted Spiderman underwear from a few days before! But hey....you think you're cool!! F.O.
Edited By Bag of Shit Howie on July 30 2002 at 12:14
![[Image: bible.gif]](http://www.unityofthebrethren.org/bible.gif)
look to the book!!
Here....maybe this should be posted outside the entrance to the pit...pretty much sums it up!
![[Image: The-Pit-final.jpg]](http://groups.yahoo.com/group/snukahasaids/files/The-Pit-final.jpg)
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
it's funny cuz it's about Maynard...
You know what, I have stayed away from this shit as long as possible, but now, I think I will say something.
Howie, what the fuck died in that ass of yours? People post from work. They have jobs they would like to keep. They don't need to open threads with twisted pics in them. I don't give a fuck about text. I made the short bus so people like you could have your fuckin home. Everything was running quite fine. Now, suddenly, there is a fuckin problem? We went 6 months without anyone bitching about it. It's one god forsaken rule and I have to read you just shitting on the rest of the fuckin board and the members for it? You are spouting off some hokey mother fuckin bullshit about people being Elitists? I think instead of smearing all the shit you like to on our board you should try smearing it on yourself so you can actually get a fuckin clue and smell the fuckin shit you are shoveling.
You are ripping people for post counts? This is what you have stooped to? Using lame ass lines of "get a life" and "go outside"? Don't question why people called you a hack, you are using the same shit people fuckin used on you.
As for Maynard, well, I agree, he is a fuckin douche bag. I would like nothing more than to strangle him with his own mouse cord at times. But, he was 100% right in moving the threads because thats one of the few fuckin rules here.
The rest of the board is in prayer groups yet your the one who claims himself as a board savior in this very thread. Wow, that doesn't make much fuckin sense to me. Then again, i see I have almost 3k in posts so i don't matter anyway.
I have 8 million+ posts I must really not have a life. Too bad I don't have friends in real life because of that really high post count.
Is this where Howie replies with a "gotcha, made you react" post ala Kid Afrika style?
Well, that was fun.. I guess.
I'll be in The Pit if you need me.
:lookatme: hi Danked :lookatme:
I can't believe we have a forum for poop pictures.
ain't it fun?
poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop poop
Oh, please stop it....
I feel nauseous. :-(
Quote:I can't believe we have a forum for poop pictures.
Elitist prick.
Quote:Howie, what the fuck died in that ass of yours? People post from work. They have jobs they would like to keep. They don't need to open threads with twisted pics in them. I don't give a fuck about text. I made the short bus so people like you could have your fuckin home. Everything was running quite fine.
Back to one of my earlier statements....DON'T OPEN POSTS BY ME AT WORK!!!!! Is that so hard to understand?? I've had 1...ONE post that was off color.....don't make it sound like i'm cluttering the board with sick ass pics!!
Quote:Now, suddenly, there is a fuckin problem? We went 6 months without anyone bitching about it. It's one god forsaken rule and I have to read you just shitting on the rest of the fuckin board and the members for it? You are spouting off some hokey mother fuckin bullshit about people being Elitists? I think instead of smearing all the shit you like to on our board you should try smearing it on yourself so you can actually get a fuckin clue and smell the fuckin shit you are shoveling.
I have shoveled, i am shoveling, and do have a clue about what i'm saying!
I gotta shovel full of shit...anyone want any?? Tastes good!!
Quote:You are ripping people for post counts? This is what you have stooped to? Using lame ass lines of "get a life" and "go outside"? Don't question why people called you a hack, you are using the same shit people fuckin used on you.
Call me a hack, say i eat my brothers cum by the spoonfull, suppose I get a rod when driving by a burned out minivan full of handicapped school children....the shit doesn't bother me!! Hmmm...maybe people who spend more than 12 hours a day on a message board are in need of a little outside time!! I for one will continue to be the bag of shit i am...if ya'll don't like it...terminate my account NOW!! If i recall, i wasn't the one knocking on the door to be let in here...i was repeatedly asked to join!
Quote:Call me a hack, say i eat my brothers cum by the spoonfull, suppose I get a rod when driving by a burned out minivan full of handicapped school children....the shit doesn't bother me!! Hmmm...maybe people who spend more than 12 hours a day on a message board are in need of a little outside time!! I for one will continue to be the bag of shit i am...if ya'll don't like it...terminate my account NOW!! If i recall, i wasn't the one knocking on the door to be let in here...i was repeatedly asked to join!
First off, you were asked in the begining to join by me, you said no, I said fine and then we both moved on. Don't fuckin act like you did me a great service by joining up or that i begged you, fuck nut. I didn't talk to you in months. As with you telling me to terminate your account, dude, thats another rule you didn't get the memo on, I don't ban my problems, I fuckin handle them. Don't open posts by you? Don't post them fuckin everywhere. Thats it, end of fuckin story. It doesn't need to be a big drawn out affair. You just want to post in the bus? Good, feel free. If you don't feel like adding to a conversation without being an asshole, thats fine. I care not. But, acting like you "won" something in here is rather foolish. I believe that having jokes and post that ammuse you and a few others being out of the way that i don't even have to see them is what I wanted from the get go. So, who won what?
I don't believe I'm the one dragging this whole stupid issue out!! It was all taken care of yesterday! I do not and will not post anywhere outside of here!! And yes, i felt the fact it was a "Win" that we could post somewhere without having to worry about the content! That was my whole point!! If there are rules about what can be put up then tell people...it's that simple!! I DID NOT FUCKING KNOW!! Christ on a fence!! It's like i got caught reading a hustler at Bible camp!! Fuckin A!!
Quote:Don't open posts by you? Don't post them fuckin everywhere
Where the hell else do i post but in this Tard Stall??
Edited By Bag of Shit Howie on July 30 2002 at 8:07
Fuck off Dog Cum!! It's been resolved....go on...shoo!!