Full Version: Since ikea isnt around.........
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club soda is good for removing stains :thumbs-up:
I can't wait for Doc to go on the lecture circuit. What a treat!
damn doc screwing with my head after his 3 paragraphs of that I was just going to take his word on it.

I think I'm going to stick to ikea's sexuality jokes from now on.
Quote:Moron, if I dont have your vote by now you can choke on it........
well Ken'sPen... I'm still hoping that Arpi figures out how to edit his poll choices so I can vote for vg ;-) ...but if he can't get his act together by Friday, then the vote is all yours...
Quote:Maynard, in science the burden of proof lies on the person that claims something exists.

That would apply only to those who view "religion" or whatever you wanna choose to believe in, as a scientific entity. Prove that the universe is endless or that sluggo has a 13 inch cock. Some things you just can not touch and feel but you can choose to believe or not. Just because you don't believe, you don't want others to force belief on you, vice versa. I do not believe in the biblical sense of "god" and all that shit but we can all have belief.
Oh, go write a poem...

Kid sucks balls
Kid is a pain the ass
Kid sucks more balls
Hopefully soon he will pass

The end
:bow: way to go there shakespere :bow:
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