Full Version: Attention investors!!! - Lets all gather round, point and laugh.
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"Friendships are based on shared avocations, enjoyment of each others' company, and the interpersonal dynamics of being supportive and loving towards another person," says William B. Gartner, a professor of entrepreneurship at USC's Marshall School of Business. Business is about skills, solving problems, making decisions, says Gartner, things that friendships don't bring to the table.
Quote:I know a girl who's goal is to be famous, she doesn't sing, dance, act, model, play an instrument, nor does she take any lessons,
but that doesn't dissuade her.

Tell her to blow the President, that seems to work well.
Hey Polly, you wanna be famous?
I'll make yah a star!
Yah just gotta sit over on my casting couch. :-p
[Image: s.cfm?ad=750&aff=588]
Hey with the eye catching tag lines of;

From the creators of the hell hole and

We have hot horny 15 year old pics!!!!
businessman or preschool pimp? you decide.
Quote:Yah just gotta sit over on my casting couch.
Casting couch, eh?

Kinda reminds me of when Lt. Boogaloo tried to con me into "being in his movie" all I would have to do is take a shower......he told me I could be discovered that way..... :lol:
Quote:Kinda reminds me of when Lt. Boogaloo tried to con me into "being in his movie" all I would have to do is take a shower......he told me I could be discovered that way

By retards with huge tounges all across his neighborhood.
Just be happy you never had to listen to him talking about the HOT LATIN LOVE he was missing.... :crackhead:
Quote:Just be happy you never had to listen to him talking about the HOT LATIN LOVE he was missing....

Hmmm...been a while since I dry heaved...thanks Polly :fuckoff:
Quote:Just be happy you never had to listen to him talking about the HOT LATIN LOVE he was missing....

I did, wonder if she charged him 5 bucks every time he, ate her out.
No prob at all....
Quote:I did, wonder if she charged him 5 bucks every time he, ate her out.
Yes she did. She just kept getting lost everytime he was ready to eat.
hahahahah I just pictured an ant trying to eat out a hippo.
And that's dry heave #2

Bravo folks, bravo
Polly, it wasn't you that left Boogaloo standing at the alter was it?

Big Grineep breaths through your mouth Doc, nice and slow:
I'd wonder how long before he gets charged with fraud, but I doubt anyone really got suckered. But, then again...
You know, I could send an email as an MBA student from the leading Entreprenuership school in the country saying how I stumbled accross his website, and wanted some more information about his company, potential free work (for start-up experience in the burgeoning field of online content), company financial information, and such other important nonsense.

Anyone wanna have fun?
LMAO OAS, I forgot the whole being left at the alter story. I remember one night he got punished and wasn't allowed to come was funny.

I don't think anyone got suckered, but then again I've never seen the paperwork....send the letter :thumbs-up:
galt, you MUST do that
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