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ESPN polled the US in different categories. Listed below are some of the interesting questions and answers.

<ul>Town where baseball is favorite - Seattle (39%)
Town where baseball is least favorite - Green Bay (6%)
Town where basketball is favorite - Sacramento (36%)
State where basketball is favorite - Utah (21%)
Best fans in America - Cheeseheads (15%), NY was 2nd, Boston was 3rd and Chicago was 4th
A typical fan downs 7 beers a week while watching sports.
33% says football rules, 20% says baseball, 14% says college football, 10% says college basketball, 10% says pro basketball, 7% says hockey, 2% says NASCAR. (I know that doesn't add up to 100%, but maybe some people said goofy stuff like curling or something)
NFL is most popular in Green Bay (74%) and least popular in Seattle (16%)
Hockey is most popular in Michigan (21%) and least popular in Kansas (less than 1%)
7% of people have painted their faces.
The #1 college hoops town is a tie between Raleigh-Durham & Cincy (32%) and dead last is Sacramento (2%)
The state where NASCAR is king is West Virginia (11%) - LA, Chicago and Boston have the smallest following (less than 1%)
The average hours per week watching sports on TV is 13 hours.
The most hated fans in the country are, of course, Philly fans (19%), NY was a close 2nd at 18%. </ul>

Also they polled every state to find out what was their favorite sport and the results were:

-NFL(31 states), MLB(8 states), college football(8 states), college hoops(2 states), NBA(1 state)
Quote:A typical fan downs 7 beers a week while watching sports.
Are you sure thats a week or each game.
Quote:Town where baseball is favorite - Seattle

Agreed. You have to take into account all of the slopes that like to stuff ballots. Obviously they did not.
ohh res ichiro is numba one, any pwoblems?
Best baseball town is probably St. Louis
Quote:Best baseball town is probably St. Louis

You only say that in a blatant attempt to piss me off.
Cliff Floyd likes splooge on his face