Quote:Why does anyone get a tattoo? Talk about following the herd. And just think of how retarded it's going to look when they're 70
I don't think I will live to 70 actually, I am comfortable that I should be dead by 40 so all is good.
Am I going to have to let Lent out of the cell to get a fuckin answer here?
Quote:Why exactly is branding against the law?
Ya know....those fucking Civil Liberties Union assholes.....all people are equal blah blah blah.......although branding Al Sharpton ain't a bad idea!
Spit - have something you'd like to show us? :lol:
Edited By Metalfan on Aug. 01 2002 at 10:06
Quote:Ya know....those fucking Civil Liberties Union assholes.....all people are equal blah blah blah.......although branding Al Sharpton ain't a bad idea!
Black people did brand him, they even branded that douche as a nigger.
Quote:Why exactly is branding against the law?
At one time congress considered branding the names of darkies fathers on their arms. They just couldn't figure out how to find out who they were.
Quote:Black people did brand him, they even branded that douche as a nigger.
Ah that old pot calling the kettle. Gotta love it.
Quote:Why does anyone get a tattoo? Talk about following the herd. And just think of how retarded it's going to look when they're 70
following the heard?
nope, just wanted some ink on my arm for
i guess i followed the crowd with my piercings too.
oh well
call me a follower
Dude, it's like clapping with one hand with that argument. People like us who see nothing wrong with tats and piercings can never convince a pussy yuppie why we do it just like the same yuppie douche bag can't explain to us why we shouldn't.
But, regardless, i still don't understand why a negroid wastes the time, ink and effort to get a tattoo. I am still, 5 cups of coffee later trying to figure that out.
It just figures with all the bullshit Kid posts, the one time I need him, he is off living his so called life.
Typical, I never should count on an African American.
Quote:Typical, I never should count on an African American.
Ain't that the fuckin truth...
Quote:I am still, 5 cups of coffee later trying to figure that out.
You must shit like a bear.
Quote:Why do lesbians like getting fucked by a woman with a strap on?
Quote:Kid A, I demand an answer from you on this subject.
You are asking the wrong person. I am 30 years old and never had an earring, tattoo or other kind of body modification. Shit, I've never even had surgery.
The only thing I do to my body is feed it tons of calories and no exercise, thusly increasing the size of the fuel tank for my love machine!!!
Black people, like all people, can be fickle. Personally, I agree that tattoos really don't show up well, so what's the point? But, I suppose every ethnic group has its faults. Why do wiggers wear wave caps? Even if a white person wore a wave cap for 25 years, no waves would result.
I would ask my black friends about this, but alas, I don't have any.
Quote:I would ask my black friends about this, but alas, I don't have any.
Well hell, you are teh only black man on this board, so I guess that doesn;t leave much else anyway...
Quote:I would ask my black friends about this, but alas, I don't have any.
Shit, i forgot they hate you, too.
It's just silly. can't your people, you know, the closer shade to shit people, let us whites have anything? First, it's Basketball, then it's the scummy white women even though we don't want them anyway,then Quater Backing, followed by Ice Hockey and now Tats. Fuck!
at least we still have gol, nope lost that...water polo?curling?bobsled?
Next thing you know there will be Darkies in the Klan....:lol:
Quote:Next thing you know there will be Darkies in the Klan....
Don't doubt it, dude, Kid A is living proof of niggers hating niggers.
"I love black people. But, boy do I hate niggers." - Chris Rock
Doesn't KKK stand for Krazy Kolored Kids?
what i don't get is most black people end up getting keloids [sp?] from them, yet they still go and get more. when those keloids swell up, it looks like they were branded
Quote:'cause from a distance, people can't tell who is who.
Nice tag line Kid. I find it funny because the same can be said for negroids.:firebounce:
Quote:Shit, I've never even had surgery.
I'd look into it, might relieve the stress of the stick up your ass.