Tomorrow I am leaving ot spend 4 glorious days in Jim Thorpe, favorite place! Our campsite is right next to a stream and we're pretty secluded from other campers...
We've got over an ounce to bring between us all...some shroomies and a little bit of e. This is going to be quite the debaucherous weekend fo drinking, smoking, hiking, and eating lots of red meat...YAAAAAAY!!!!
I was driving all over PA last week and was impressed at what a beautiful state is is! Have a great time....

mokey: :fuggin:
:-( I'm going up to Vermont this weekend for my friend's pathetic attempt to recreate the "Lost Weekends" of his college days where all they did was trip and party in someone's house. Turns out none of his college friends can make it, but all of his wife's high school buddies can! Hoo boy! It's gonna suck...
He is trying to get a fellow glassblower of his to attend named Pan. I've seen some his work and he's supposed to be a legend in the glassblowing world. Hopefully, he'll hop aboard my buddy's torch and show him how it's done.
I would love to learn how to blow glass! There are no places around to learn...
Look on the bright side, Danked, there may be some hotties there! And maybe you can take home a new piece :fuggin:
Edited By Spitfire on Aug. 01 2002 at 11:53
Quote:And maybe you can take home a new piece :fuggin:
Heh. I always come home with a new piece. I'm gonna have to start chucking them soon to make way for the newer/better ones as he gets better at blowing.
And I know for a fact there won't be any hotties there. All her high school buddies are the people I avoided when I went to school with her. :crackhead:
And he used to apprentice under someone here in Jersey. It was a farmhouse where all sorts of people would come to learn how to weld, sculpt, blow glass, etc. I could try and find information on it from him for you. You wouldn't be blowing pipes straight off, probably little vases and stuff, but he picked it all up within about 2 years and is making a decent living now selling glass pipes at shows. In about a year, he's planning on opening a shop up in VT.
I recently got a really nice Jerome Baker, I called it Maestro cuz it has a creepy dude in glass on the back. Jerome makes beautiful pieces.
Quote:I'm gonna have to start chucking them soon to make way for the newer/better ones as he gets better at blowing.
feel free to chuck them in my direction :thumbs-up: :fuggin:
i need a vacation
Edited By crx girl on Aug. 02 2002 at 02:01
I wanna go camping! (Actually, who am I kidding? I would freak out without running water and electricity) Have fun!
I want to go camping again soon. We did a bit of camping at Kitatinny last year and some paintballing at fireball mountain. We too had a nice spot right next to a river, it was beautiful. I had a kickass time. I'm jealous, have a great trip!
Quote:feel free to chuck them in my direction
Sure, but I'd really suggest you wait till I start throwing away the good ones for better ones. The ones I hjave now to chuck... oof!