make a big POOP!11!
i just had a cheeseburger from wendy's :crackhead:
i havent eatin red meat in about 2 years....i dont know what came over me i just needed teh meat.
now im all bloated and i need to POOP!
You're gonna poop, you're gonna poop!
And we all know how much you loooove teh meat!
And we all know how much I love teh POOP.
Quote:And we all know how much I love teh POOP.
so then come and press on my bellah to help me get this rotting meat out of me :crackhead:
I bet she pushes so hard that a fart comes out too! :bouncer:
Best short bus thread........ever
ughhh...i feel it moving through my intestines:crackhead:
fucking meat....why did i do this to my body?

Quote:fucking meat....why did i do this to my body?
So your name isn't virgingrrl anymore? :clueless:
Quote:So your name isn't virgingrrl anymore?
no i am now : virginwhohasrottingmeatinherbellahthatneedstobePOOPedoutgrrl.
i bet maynard would eat the corn out of it
No corn, but I'd eat a mile of her poop just to see where it came from. :thumbs-up:
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...POOP! :fart:
what you really need is a dictionary VG. it is spelled T H E. say it with me T H E. even a white trash tard like myself knows that. LOL
Quote:Best short bus thread........ever
Well it was doing ok until you posted. Who ever would of thought of short bus kryptonite. now that is really bad.
I had mexican for lunch.....stick around for some :fart: later.
hmmmmmmmmm...... it'll take a while for that putrid stench to waft across the continent.
sorry there kindred...your time has passed :-p
Quote:short bus kryptonite
I'm welling up with pride thanks to that compliment.
Quote:it'll take a while for that putrid stench to waft across the continent.
Not if she bottles it and sends it Fed-Ex!