Full Version: Vg winz!!!11 - ...again
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Well, she always wins. Have you ever won anything? A raffle? A sweepstakes? A door prize? What have you won (or placed)?
I opened this thread.
read it,
and lost.
You should be used to that. Losing, that is.
I won a years supply of Chips A'Hoy cookies...came home and found over 200 packages. :-o
i won concert tickets on the radio a couple times. thats about it.
i won a u2 cd from krock. i almost won manson tickets once, but i screwed up and the next caller got them :disappointed:
this thread sucks ass.
i don't recall ever really winning any sort of tangible prize.
i feel i win because im a good grrl.
give off good karma....get an endless amount of "prizes".
Something she'll never lose - her hymen.
I once won a bet on who could go the longest without saying "bah"
Quote:get an endless amount of "prizes".
VG wins again!!!

I've got a prize for her...

obviously it's a consolation prize.
Quote:give off good karma....get an endless amount of "prizes"

I know this is mean and all, but......

I think you needed to tell froy about that because I think he missed the Karma memo.
Quote:I once won a bet on who could go the longest without saying "bah"
i guessed the closest on how many m&ms were in a jar once. the prize was the jar of candy. i think that's about it Undecided
Maybe one of the pets at his petting zoo ate it. Took out some stock certificates, too.
Quote:Something she'll never lose - her hymen

something he'll never win at - teh funney.

Quote:IN MY PANTS!!!11

keep it in there. thanks.
Quote:I know this is mean and all, but......

I think you needed to tell froy about that because I think he missed the Karma memo.

not mean at all. i tried to do good...but he failed to see that. so i took my goodness else where...and aren't you happy i'm here?
Quote:Something she'll never lose - her hymen.

You had a better chance with Bink
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