Full Version: Has ikeaboy become a man? - Either way, he's gay...
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Where the fuck is he?

There haven't been any reports of mass murders/rapings in Manhatten lately, so that's out of the question.

If he were getting ass, he'd have told somebody by now, so that ain't it.

Come out for the second time in your life and tell us what the fuck you've been doing with yourself!
I think he choked on his cigar.
Right now, Ikea is busy pulling the Billy Madison.

He has his list behind the couch, he is checking it twice. And, I truly believe there are alot of us on it.

He is putting on his lipstick and loading his shotgun.....

Ikea, come home, dude, we miss you.

Well 11 people thought you sucked but I miss ya.
Quote:Well 11 people thought you sucked but I miss ya.

Eleven people were more interested in watching their toenails grow than in replying, but I miss ya'.
Quote:Well 11 people thought you sucked but I miss ya.
and by saying that, sean hopes that ikea will now cross off his name on the list with his bright red lipstick

hi ikea...remember these? hehehehehehe

sorry I got confused for a second.
You people took away the one thing in his sad, lonely existance that he could hang his hat on. For shame killjoys, for shame.
Quote:You people took away the one thing in his sad, lonely existance that he could hang his hat on.

I didn't do shit to his television.
Likea without televison is like Kid without something to bitch about.

Maybe his cable is out and he is just having puppet shows.
Quote:Maybe his cable is out and he is just having puppet shows.

"damn, Ike. That "woman's head" puppet on your hand looks awfully realistic."