Full Version: There can be only one. - Biggest retard on the board
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Pages: 1 2
dent, i know you voted for me.:toast: :thumbs-up: :toast: :thumbs-up:
....aaaand Howie comes up on the outsiiiiide

look out for the lightning dent!
[Image: hilg.gif]
Ladi I woulda voted for your retarded ass..:toast:
Quote:Ladi I woulda voted for your retarded ass.. :toast:
but you voted for me!!!!:loveya:
Quote:but you voted for me!!!!

Not for you my pal, we're buds now!

I voted for howie in place of ladi.
Well that's all in the family, so thanks man, you're ok :toast:
Voting ends tonight
:angry: why am i not on that list Ken? :angry:

Edited By FNMoron on 1028391435
Cause the list is for retards, not assholes.
It's so gay here, I bet there are some bigger ass holes here :moonie:
Ladi I didn't mean actual asscanyons like yours.

Edited By GonzoStyle on Aug. 03 2002 at 3:47
Pages: 1 2