Full Version: Ken, enough is enough - Have you no moral decency?
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I would just like to say that I would like to fuck OAS 18 year old daughter and all of her friends at the same time while they each like my goo out of thier asses and snowball each other.

And if OAS says doesn't have sexual thoughts about his daughter's friends, he's fibbing or is a eunich.
Quote:impropriety between he and his daughter.
........daughter's friends
[/quote]he will take you serious...
[quote]I thought everyone knew better than that.... dammit when do we get those [sarcasm][/sarcasm] now I say! now!
Galt, I bet if you took pictures you could sell them to OTL.
GALT how dare you mock the sacred bond that keeps OAS from chasing those kiddies around the yard with his BBQ tongs in one hand and his shlong in the other.
OAS is so blatantly overcompensating because he beats off every night to the thought of his daughter's nubile friends.

Not only is there nothing wrong with it, but if he wasn't doing it, he should have himself checked out.
and in those fantasies,
they always cum,
and he doesn't need viagra.:lol: :lol: :lol:

and OAS's response
Well, I have quickly become bored with this horse shit so let me wrap this up.

You asked me a couple of other questions here that I failed to answer. Allow me to answer them now. Better yet, go back and read my first post in this thread. Try reading between the lines, it may all become very clear to you.

1) My Daughter is 18, a straight A student, drug free, an extremely beautiful redhead, very popular and has all the potential in the world. Like any father, I would hunt down any fuck that tried to harm her and I would make them suffer pain before I killed them like they never imagined was possible. If you have any doubt that I could make someone suffer an unbelievable pain, ask AFDude if he would think I had the knowledge to do that.

2) The mother of my children is dead to me. She still is a breathing carbon based life form on this planet. I honor and respect her as the woman who gave birth to my children I provide support for her, but surprise, marriages don’t always last forever.

3) I’m stalking you with over 50 :disappointed: posts. Don’t fucking flatter yourself. I’m mocking your worthless ass. You sit on this board and criticize everyone for the exact same fucking things you do. And you do it over and over and over again. How many times do you post shit like, Gee OAS can you post anything other than hitting on the young babes. And then all you do is drool after every woman on this board posts something. Look in a fucking mirror. I have met some of the woman on this board that I flirt around with here. I challenge you to ask any of them if I hit on them in any way in person (don’t answer that Ladi).

Surprise, this is a fucking message board frequented by a number of demented fucks that like to bust peoples balls. I have busted some peoples balls but it is never personal. Most people bust balls around here and don’t do it as a personal attack. Grumpy wasn’t personally attacking you. None of this thread was real. Most everything on this board isn’t real. He was busting your balls. Did he cross a line that he shouldn’t have? Probably. But he was busting your balls. He left, that’s a shame but he’s gone. You don’t need to keep busting Grumpy jokes on everybody. If you didn’t like him fine. Let it lie. Most of what is posted here is a joke. Laugh with it flow with it and move on.

None of this was serious. I never took any of this personal I made the whole thing up you fucking moron (no offense intended to you FN Moron.) If you didn’t pick up on the fact that I used specific quotes from your posts in the Grumpy thread, shame on you.

Oh and Ken, per your PM and a post you made in this thread, You’re going to crush my balls?
Pffft, go play with someone your own age and give it a try when you grow up.

In memory of the Midget.
Kid OAfirkaS!
Quote:Oh and Ken, per your PM and a post you made in this thread, You’re going to crush my balls?
Pffft, go play with someone your own age and give it a try when you grow up.

nice back peddle...... keep telling yourself you won.
I picture OAS as Alan Funt from Candid Camera, but I think Alan Funt is actually younger. ;-)
I always thought of OAS as more of a Richard Dawson. :-p
Quote:nice back peddle...... keep telling yourself you won.
Umm excuse me dick face, where did I back peddle here? I'm lost, please show me the light on this one with your infinite wisdom.
It must suck thinking of that sweet innocent little face drinking up a load of nut.

God, I gotta only have sons.
You and Ken sleeping together now Galt?
can you recommend any teen girls so we can have a threesome?
Nope, but I just think you are all wet here. I have no idea what happened with Grumpy and Ken or with you and Ken. But I would wager to guess that constantly making fun of the fact that Ken's mother died is exponentially worse than making fun of you by making up stories about youhaving erotic fantasies about their daughter's friends.

Put your daughter up on a pedestal all you want. That's what father's do. But realize it's not realilty you are speaking about. I'm sure she's beautiful, smart, happy, and has a great future in front of her, blah blah blah

That still doesn't change the fact that she willingly gets violated by scummy boys. And even if she's a virgin now (which, let's be honest -- At 18, in this day and age -- isn't the case), she still has a long future in front of her that includes thousands of men having perverse thoughts of her, strangers grabbing her ass at bars, boyfriends blowing loads in her face, guilting her into swallowing and taking it in the ass, and all of the other things that every guy has done to at least one woman in his life, and every woman has had done to her at least once in her life.

A no matter how tough a persona you try and put out there, how much you attempt to threaten guys who deal with her, or physically murder everyone you ever see with her, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP IT.

So move on.
OAS clearly you lose.....
One of three things was happening....
1. you hoped just by mentioning me doing something wrong a lynch mod would form.

2. you were running a scam, hoping to get me to apologize and then
tell me it was a scam and I was a pussy for apologizing to you

3. you fucking lost your mind.

well since one or two did not happen,
and I will give you the benefit of the doubt on three,

then clearly whatever you hoped to gain with this thread failed,
and you lost........

Hey Friday night is date night right?

Edited By Ken'sPen on 1028375972
Sorry, OAS. Got a lot of respect for you, but your argument reminds me way too much of Lent bitching about Sean making fun of his Goth girlfriend.

Ken can be a dick, but you picked the wrong fight to prove it.
so, i'm confused. oas doesn't really mind that you say he touches himself at the thought of his daughter's friends? and he was just trying to prove a point? let me know if i'm on the right track here...

this whole thread is pure silliness Rolleyes
Quote:My Daughter is 18, a straight A student, drug free, an extremely beautiful redhead
yo, hook a brotha up!!
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