Who do you think put HBK's head through the car window?
My bets goin with the big show, yet he is the obvious choice. It's never who you think it is. Whoever it is, I smell them having a fued with HHH. Though HBK has showed interest in getting back into the ring.
Who else on the RAW roster could have been responsible?
Possibly Jericho?
I have been thinking about this for a while. I for some reason don't think it will be someone on the current roster. I'm almost thinking Stone Cold. While Ross is denying left and right that they have had contact, I don't believe him.
Quote:I'm almost thinking Stone Cold
I'd sooner go with Bret Hart.
What about Scott Steiner then. Ross made no mention of him in his report this week.
Steiner signed with the NWA, last I heard.
It has to be either someone with ties to the old clique, HBK, or HHH. Or someone getting a huge push.
Stone Cold would be perfect but a long shot.
Jericho would make sense, with him trying to take over RAW and his past fueds with HHH. Or another huge accusition from Smackdown..
i say the big show:burnfucker:
asswipe has spoken...
So it's probably not the big show.
They were setting it up the whole show...they wanted everyone to think it was the Big Show or Booker T...If I had to guess I would say Bret Hart too...He did mention Bret's name at the beginning when he came out to confront the "un americans".
Bret Hart is out of the question. He suffered a stroke a couple of weeks ago in a biking accident and is currently doing rehab to regain the ability to use the left side of his body.
Ok Owen Har...nevermind

Sure the Big Show and HHH are the two top choices. But i think it is someone who hasn't been seen on RAW yet......GoldBerg maybe??. But knowing the WWE it's fucking Test.
Goldberg hasn't met with the WWE yet.
If it's someone already on the RAW roster, I am goin with Jericho.
If not then it's a smackdown star or someone new.
Bret Hart would make sense, in joining with the unamerican faction and drawing major heat. But he just had a stroke, yet he does have legitamite beef with HBK.
Maybe it's Owen.
I say it's the Ultimate Warrior
OAS is spreading a rumor in AIMS that I did it.......
I would like to deny all allegations.
Quote:Ok Owen Har...nevermind
no...you have a point. that guy has been milking his injury for years. I'm sure the WWE can dig him up.
HBK culprit:
(Besides the obvious one (Booker T, BigShow, Triple H)
1.Kane? nWo did knock him out of action. They do want to give Kane a big push.
2. Stone Cold. Despite JR's comment about meetings since June 10th, he has been in contact with others in company. Ratings are going down.
3. (goochies darkhorse) Ken Shamrock. These two actually have history.
The only thing that sucks worse than kane, is x-pac.
I never liked kane, I don't see the hoopla. I couldn't care less if he never returned.
Stone Cold... ehh I dunno, It'd be great but ehh.
A certain someone I know seems to think it will be Rikishi (sp?)...

great so we can hear another "WWE is racist" speech?
Can I take a wild guess on who this certain someone is..
well, the big show is who they want us to think it is, so he is out of the picture...and booker t doesn't pull that kind of thing...golddust is too stupid to do it...what about the anti-americans (or whatever they call themselves), they were talking that they had one more thing to do before the end of the show...come back from commercial, hhh in the ring and hbk lying in a pool of his own blood...again