Full Version: CDIH - Page Six - The Rumor Mill
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A certain ceo recently ended his relationship with an equine member of his initial venture.

ES claims to own a controlling interest in CDIH.

Arpi and Mayfag are on the outs. Seems maynard's love of yellow discipline proved to be too much for arpi.

This just in - Sean is still a mean son of a bitch.

NEWS FLASH - K1d's a prick.

After a long hiatus, tenbats posting still sucks.

Rumor has it that spitfire has a big butt.
This just in, a member of CDIH has to use a different water fountain than the rest of the posters here.
This just in, i actually chuckled at something tenbatz said
Quote:This just in, i actually chuckled at something tenbatz said

Rumor has it that Satan is shopping for a parka
Rumor has it Kid just started a game thread.
Quote:ES claims to own a controlling interest in CDIH.

what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Rumor has it Sean was attacked by the police, yet only one member gullible enough to believe said rumor....
But he was attacked, popo gone crazy yo.
This bulletin just handed to me at the CDIH Action News Now Desk - Silera's breast size has just jumped to a D cup.

More on this story as it... HAHAHAHAH...develops...