Full Version: Silera's pregnant!
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suuuuuuure, and Fayth is pregnant with Froy's baby too right?
I'm not an alien dammit!

I have my papers.
Jesus Christ, I said no to Bink. Give me SOME credit.
Quote:Jesus Christ, I said no to Bink. Give me SOME credit.
Quote:suuuuuuure, and Fayth is pregnant with Froy's baby too right?
Hey, wait. I'm Pat, and I didn't touch the girl. I swear.
Quote:Who is Pat?

[Image: 6303383319.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg]
And she said "no" to Lent.

I'm sure there's a joke available... I just can't seem to put my finger on it.
Quote:And she said "no" to Lent.

I'm sure there's a joke available... I just can't seem to put my finger on it.

Isn't Lent the joke?
Good enough!
Well god Damn score one for me for being capt. obvious.. I should be drug out in the street and sodomized by underprivlaged children..Confuseduicide:

It was only gas...

Musta been the tacos.

My bad.
Heeey, how'd this wool end up over my eyes?
I feel gypped. Did she get punched in the uterus?
you couldn't of stretched the gag out another half-hour? pffft amateurs.
Well, he wasn't lieing in the other thread.

His balls really did stink this morning.
The ball thread was a joke too!
You can't deny that now, man. You got called on your stinky nutz.. bwahahahahaha:poke:
even though i wasn't buying it for a second, you really should have tried to drag this gag out much longer.
I couldn't keep it up.

(I know it'd be funnier if Alkey was posting this.)
It might stink, but it's always hard.
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