Full Version: Jilted - and kicked to the curb....
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That had nothing to do with the other thing that happened with the guy, ya know? It was just a joke, ya know? Looks like the shoes on the other foot now, ya know? Cause someone isn't laughing cause they ain't in on the joke..... ya know?
Gonzo Style,
Do all your jokes come with on star?
[Image: wavey.gif] do you need a hug? [Image: knuddel.gif]
will ya be naked and riding me when you give me that hug?
Sure kenneth.
Quote:I am here,
because my public demands it.

"Did he just refer to himself as 'the talent'?"

Ken... I'm hurt... You didn't even ask me... Am I no more than just your matress kitten? Your cum guzzling bitch-ho? Nothing more than a good :fucking: ?
it was an open enrollment dear....
just send in the application,
I'll expidite it

38D. Easy. Talented. 100WPM. White panties.
Sooooo.... your face or mine? :loveya:
impressive resume.
Yeah, but I bet she doesn't do windows...

Oh, shit, for a second I thought I was someone else...
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