Full Version: Ladi's weekend plans..... - I heard from the grapevine.....
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I heard that our very own QUEEN of the Double Wide is going to break character this weekend and take in some quality entertainment........

Ladi, comment?
Jeff Foxworthy still does shows? I thought his fifteen minutes were up a LONG time ago.
Yes, at the "NJ State Fair" no less. :thumbs-up: Plus there will be heavy drinking beforehand, in a crappy little rednecky gogo bar.

I plan on wearing the dress with the least cigarette holes in it. :toast:
Quote:Plus there will be heavy drinking beforehand, in a crappy little rednecky gogo bar.
You're going to Ray's Inn???
Where's the NJ State Fair?
Ladi, will this day trip of yours involve sucking off guys at the gas station bathroom to pay for dinner and your tickets?
Quote:Ladi, will this day trip of yours involve sucking off guys at the gas station bathroom

Why, are you looking to score big at your usual hang out?
I think he is more worried about the competition.
Quote:You're going to Ray's Inn???

Wait....I liked Ray's!
From what I understand, Ladi wants to suck my cock.
Don't feel flattered. It's Ladi's goal in life to suck everyones cock.
She said she would swallow as well, bet she says that to all the boys.. :loveya:
Careful though.....she's so backed up, it's liable to start spewing out her nose.
:firebounce: :fuckoff: :firebounce:

Edited By Hey Ladi on Aug. 09 2002 at 3:39
Oh yeah, she wants me bad.
oooh, ladi lives near mountain creek too. lucky :bow:
I will have you know he is quite funny! :moonie: I had a nice time. After the show we hit the beer tent :thumbs-up: