Since this stupid little subject got so much attention up top. lets see how the TARDS think.
Im not even going to list options to make it fair. I kinda know where this is going to head.
Well, It's gotta be Arpi and Irish Alkey in my opinion. Blah, Blah Blah spewing their inane bullshit :burnfucker:
lol....inane bullshit....nahh. there is lots to gain from the message board community kingpin. just gotta want to find it. there are party how to's. guidlines for good threads......
Really, where, maybe a few people need to look them up
Edited By Kingpin on Aug. 08 2002 at 9:36
just go up to the pit. read around. you have to WANT to find it. or you can just stay down here, be the tard we arleady know you are and post inane threads and responses so we can all get a laugh.
Shit...only one..i have a few bags of dried AIDS jizz i'd like to throw on the table!! Maynard, Arpi, DIG, hmmmm...i know there's more!!
<table style=filter:glow(color=Blue)>I know where they are, just don't want to be around them</table>
<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'><span style='font-family:impact'><div align="center"><table style=filter:glow(color=red)>BOW BEFORE THE SUCK THAT IS KEN!!!</table></div></span></span>
ohh jeez...are you kidding? bow down before the suck that is ken??
nope dont think so. you better watch your step. if your dog on the long leash VG sees you spelled "THE" the right way she may get angry.
Yeah, apparently all leashes lead back to her ass!! Check him to see if he's got his hall pass from the pit and is allowed to venturing outside the realm of dorks!!
I know who the worst poster is, but I won't say cause its not nice to be mean.... :-D
I'm really disappointed my name has not been mentioned yet.
fuck off keyser!!! this is my contest to win.!
my posting is knees and feet worse that yours
while that is true, i am more hated in this part of the world
you really think so with all the bitching and whining i do about innane threads?
Ewww, you tainted the thread. It smells weird in here, what did you do, shower? Ugh the horror!

Arpi, definitly Arpi. I almost ate off my foot reading his posts the other week.