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I did not recieve an e-mail, because they are screening them now!!!

Quote:*** eSafe blocked the following email that was sent to you ***

Time: 12:41:49 8/9/2002
Scan result: Mail rejected
Protocol: SMTP in
File Name / Mail Subject: /opt/eSafe/eSafeCR/SPOOL/1028812925
Source: **********
Destination: ************
Details: Body contains the following forbidden word(s): porn

Plus, there is a neew firewall and all kinds a virus scanning, and it slowed all my shit down. I can't run too many programs at once or the computers shits itself! Arrrggh!

Quote:*** eSafe blocked the following email that was sent to you ***

Time: 12:52:03 8/9/2002
Scan result: Mail rejected
Protocol: SMTP in
File Name / Mail Subject: /opt/eSafe/eSafeCR/SPOOL/1028813197
Source: ********
Destination: ***********
Details: Body contains the following forbidden word(s): boobs

You can't say boobs or porn!!! :rofl:
E-mail blocking is just retarded. Shit, I can just imagine some really important e-mail getting rejected because someone's finger got stuck and typed Boob instead of Bob. Hope the software at least notifies the person who sent it that it was blocked.
Why are you getting email with boobs and porn in it!!! And why am I not???? :clueless:

tee hee hee hee hee!
Quote:E-mail blocking is just retarded
While I agree with you, unfortunately, the company has every right to scan/block/monitor your email simply because it is a service that they are providing for you - and most companies make you aware of ths fact, and stress that email use is to only be used for work-matters. My firm just blocks out attachments from emails (like .exe's, .vbs's, etc.) and while they say they don't monitor email content, I'm inclined to think that they do. Would you let someone you didn't really know use your internet connection without concern of how they were using it? Plus, they can use it as an excuse to see just how much you really do every day.
while they likely monitor this as well but they likely can't censor you, try using a free email service like Yahoo or Hotmail.
I have hotmail, but that's a pain in the ass, when work e-mail is right here.
I would eat hot glass before I ever sent anything other than work related mail over my work email. Why would you want anyone knowing your business? I know they likely monitor the free mail accounts too but why take the chance?
I say we all send Ladi some porn in her email! :bouncer:
Well, they haven't warned me so far or ever let on that they were monitoring (until now) .... and I've "mis-used" it by a lot. :burnfucker:

This is new, because a few weeks ago the company system was crashed by spam or something. And we have had virus problems.
I thought Ladi worked in the porn business....
Quote:This is new, because a few weeks ago the company system was crashed by spam or something. And we have had virus problems

Well keep the spam outta your yeast cave, and you won't get any viruses! :rofl: :rofl:
If you are using work e-mail for personal shit, or for registering for non-business-related shit, you are a moron. Why risk losing your job over slacking on the job? Be smart about it. Checking personal e-mail from work is a "No-No". Most admins will throw a fit if they know you are doing this. And, the bottom line is, when your usage of the Internet comes into question they can pull up every packet you've sent over the network.

To me, it's just not worth the risk. It's bad enough I use AIM and Yahoo! Messenger at work, on top of being the most active user on the network... If I started checking personal e-mail, or receiving explicit e-mails, I would surely be the recipient of a stern "talking to".
don't they need you there to fill their quota? :clueless:
Yes. That is why I would only get a "stern talking to", and would not be terminated. But, I am a special case. For I am the "TOKEN NEGRO"!!!

Bow down to my "well-spoken"-ness.
But you are also fat and therefore an unwelcome minority.
Quote:I thought Ladi worked in the porn business....
No, but I might actually be good at that :rofl:

Quote:Why risk losing your job over slacking on the job?
Too lazy to quit yet
i can write shit and fuck in my email, and it goes thru...