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I trim for the sole reason that if I don't trim how can I expect girls to

so if I am > Muffins

I am all supreme!!!!!!!!

Maynard doesn't shave his balls, it may kill the smell.
i was talking to maynard! not everything is about you gonzo. sheesh!

Arpi's last.

Alkey<s>></s>fucked everyone.

Damn, the x out of > looks bad.

Edited By Ken'sPen on Aug. 09 2002 at 2:48
1. muffins>Alkey>everyone>maynard>Baker>arpi
2. muffins>Alkey>everyone>maynard>arpi>Baker

What one is more accurate?
Who's Baker anyhow?
Quote:Who's Baker anyhow?
He is the 174th person on the board funnier than Maynard.
I'm a figment of your imagination.
I say we have a blanket party with Baker. I got some sticks, a metal bat, a rusty barbed wire covered 2x4, and a sledgehammer. Anyone got a blanket?
Jack if you are older than 12 and have a DBZ sig pic I think you need time in the blankey.
Quote:i was talking to maynard! not everything is about you gonzo. sheesh!

Fuckin instigator, you didn't say that last night in IM's.
i shave. :bouncer:
I know you do VG, that's what makes me love you even more.. :loveya:

I'd quit all these board skanks for your love.
PFFT! Just like VG to go and fuck up the thread. Can't you see this is a GAY thread???
really? all of them?
fine you homo...i'll crawl back in to my hole.
Don't make me get Keli to beat your ass!
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I shave, too................................................sometimes.
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