Full Version: I wanna talk about beer. - Haven't seen any better threads today.
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When Micro Brews ran rampant a few years back there was one named Rhino Chasers, their dark roasted lager was one of the best beers I ever had. It was full and robust, not bitter, finished well, nice and malty,

They went belly up a few years back and my stockpile is long since gone.
I know this thread is about beer, but I wasn't going to start a new one about this....last Friday after already being quite drunk, I drank 4 Mike's Hard Iced Teas, thought they were great, so Saturday night I bought a six pack to drink while watching was DISGUSTING. I guess Mike's is only good to drink when already drunk cause you don't realize how bad it is then.

I did try Harp last night and didn't like it either.....but I tried the Skky vodka drink and it was really good, much smoother than Shmirnoff Ice.
the skyy is by far the best of all those drinks that are flooding the market......
Quote:the skyy is by far the best of all those drinks that are flooding the market......

I'm glad they're flooding the market, mixed drinks at bars are way too expensive sometimes, and I was so sick of wine coolers.
Wine coolers?
They still make those.
I remember one of the first...Bartyles an James
the had pulp and shit in them
My friends and I would place an order for $10 worth of Chinese food and $30 in wine coolers
One of would stay in the bathroom when the chinc came, just incase he asked for buds dad
Always worked
Liked they cared
They probably marked those coolers up 100%
Yea, they still make wine coolers, but I'm sure they're not selling as well anymore. I remember at my old job when we'd drink (yet another reason I got fired :lolSmile, we'd end up with like 3 cases of beer and a six pack of wine coolers for sad....
My image of DGW as a boorish Bud Man was ruined forever when he stated his like of Cakebread......
I hate giving him credit.
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