You said "treat me like an animal".
Yeah, I know, but I didn't think you would take it seriosly. Damn man, have some compassion.
You're the one who asked me to dress up like little bo peep and "flock my sheep". While rubbing your sweaty ball sack and dripping hot wax on your hairless chest. All the while yelling "oh what a lovely tea party you prissy little slut."
When you say that gonzo branded you I'm leaving.
Yeah but it went a little too far when you stuck in your thumb and pulled out a plumb.
Quote:When you say that gonzo branded you I'm leaving.
Like a jew in '43
Liar. All lies I tell you. There is no 43 branded on me.
I meant like a jew in 1943, I can't believe I had to explain a concentration camp joke.
You sicken me.
Concentration camps aren't funny. :angry:
They are a goldmine of comedic values, like a heaping pile of juden bodies.
Voting ends tommorow, get those final deciding votes in people.... The future of the board lies in the balance.
Edited By GonzoStyle on Aug. 12 2002 at 2:45
Since afrika has told me he doesn't wanna be my friend, I am forwarding all votes to arpi.
Quiet hedless or arpi is not giving you any candy and I am keeping the fruit punch.
but, i was looking foward to all the wackyness that would ensue between you and kid. you'd make a lynching joke, he'd make an emo joke. you'd respond, he'd say your his puppet. i know it happens a lot, but this time would have been special.

you will still be my bestest buddy in the whole wide world hedcold! :thumbs-up:
Good thinking arpi, reassure him till voting is over... you are brilliant.
Quote:you will still be my bestest buddy in the whole wide world hedcold!
as are you buddy! :toast:
Quote:Good thinking arpi, reassure him till voting is over... you are brilliant.