Okay - with McMahon giving Flair the alternative of resigning and walking away and with Nash and Hogan confirmed to come back, here's how I see this scenario playing out.
- Flair refuses his offer giving bullshit rheotorics about his career and his life and how he wants to help WWF
- McMahon states "then there is only one solution"
- Cue Hogan and Hall's music, Income the ugly twins
- They proceed to destroy the WWF and take it apart (for a while)
- Flair pulls the trump card and brings in the one person from WCW who took on NWO and kept it in check....
You guessed it - Welcome back Goldberg......
I so fucking hope they bring his bald ass into the WWF. That would just totally fucking rule!
Could we also see the return of STING to help keep NWO in check? Now there is some wrestling worth watching. Putting those two goons against the WWF regulars. WWWOOOOOOOOOOOO!
BTW - did anyone else notice how buff DDT has gotten? Has the WWF been mandating a work out regime for the goons with maybe some "additives" into their diet? First HHH comes back looking like a beast, then DDT comes back buff. Mr. Spinarooni himself has added some mass and definition. What's goin on here?
Quote:You guessed it - Welcome back Goldberg......
I so fucking hope they bring his bald ass into the WWF. That would just totally fucking rule!
Could we also see the return of STING to help keep NWO in check? Now there is some wrestling worth watching. Putting those two goons against the WWF regulars. WWWOOOOOOOOOOOO!
...you forgot the sarcasm tags, right? If this happens, I probably won't watch the WWF again...
DDP did get a lot of heat last night, it was odd, but the match wasn't bad
Actually, no - I didn't forget my sarcasm tags. I REALLY do hope they bring in Goldberg. It's no big deal if Sting doesn't sign on but can you just imagine what Goldberg would do in a match against, lets say Rocky boy or Stone Cold or imagine him beatin down Angel like the red headed disfunctional stepchild that he is? Come on, tell me you would not enjoy seeing his sorry ass getting beating (WHHHHAATT?)....
That new line kills me during Angel's interviews... WHAT?
It was annoying at first, but now it's fucking hilarious.
Grumpy Wrote:Actually, no - I didn't forget my sarcasm tags. I REALLY do hope they bring in Goldberg.
Not going to happen, Goldberg likes his hero role that he will never work for scum like Vinny Mac. Maven does a better job at this point then Goldberg ever did or will. We already have the Neverseller, we don't need another fuckin non selling tool fuckin up the mix at this point. They are finally on the right road to make two sperate organizations and Goldberg would just fuck it all up.
Goldberg fucking blows...he's one of the laziest wrestlers I've ever seen...ick! get your own gimmick...his matches make me

Spitfire Wrote:Goldberg fucking blows...he's one of the laziest wrestlers I've ever seen...ick! get your own gimmick...his matches make me
He was just "made" into the superstar of WCW because he stood for all that the hillbillys thought raslers should be. He was the redneck icon and he was everything the WWF wasn't at the time. His mic skills are for the shits and just the fact that they made him unstopable got rather lame after "the streak"
Quote:he's one of the laziest wrestlers I've ever seen...ick
Like Hogan has any real skills? or Nash? The only thing that they have over Goldberg is mic skills. I agree with Sean. The ugly jew has absolutely ZERO mic skills but he's got an ominous presence in the ring. I could see Vince or Flair using him as a heel.
What if they use him for comediac value then? Have him wrestle Spike or Too Sexy? Maybe take on Hurricane just for laughs....
Grumpy Wrote:What if they use him for comediac value then? Have him wrestle Spike or Too Sexy? Maybe take on Hurricane just for laughs....
The only match I would enjoy seeing is one with that fuckin midget they used to mock him, Gilberg, with Gilberg getting the pin. :bouncer:
Hey, hey, hey, leave my cousin gilberg out of this. He's still in rehab. :roltflmao:
The only thing i've heard is that like Hogan turning orignally, someone from WWF will turn and join NWO. I've love it to be the Rock. But, my thoughts that it'll be the NeverSeller.
Goldberg and Sting two people you will never see in the WWF, for 2 different reasons.
Goldberg will not come over cause he is not needed and his gimmick will not go over well at all.
Sting always has been with one company and his pride and his legacy will not let him do it, he would consider it selling out.
No way, i dont want Goldberg there in the WWF. He will provide nothing of interest for the company. 2 years ago, everyone wanted to see GOldberg vs Austin. But now, everyone knows who Goldberg really is, a selfish no selling jackass. No one wants to see him now.
oh you silly midget, that punk goldberg will never ever come here. he has no business coming here, besides, he is too much of a greedy bastard to accept a buyout on his remaining 2 years to his time warner contract. that is free money he is making to sit around and badmouth the wwf for anything and everything that they are. he can keep his dumb ass doing nothing and like it, he is a punk who doesn't know the difference between a wrist lock and a wrist watch. keep him away, he is more of a cancer to the wwf than hogan, nash and hall combined.
as for sting, i think he is just going to retire, and be happy about it. he gave a lot to wcw over the years, and i prefer to remember those times, than see him come to the wwf and made into a joke.
I really fucking hope they don't bring back gold shit... so far for the nWo, they are having Hogan, Hall, and Nash. Lets see how this shite develops.
i hope goldberg doesnt come back. he has one move(oh my god the spear!), and his matches last like 5 min. on the other hand, i think hogan, hall, and nash are a good addition. not so much nash and hogan, but hall can definitely be useful.
Scott Hall is a drunk ass faggot with no talent. He's been riding Nash's coattails for so long, he's forgotten who he originally was...a somewhat talented faggot.
eyyyy....ohhhhh....(what the fuck?).
IT's being reported that Steiner is undergoing (or underwent) a physical that could determine if he was going to be offered a contract to the WWF.
There are also rumors being bandied about that WWF brass are already not happy with Hall, but who knows if that is true or not.
Edited By Gooch on Feb. 07 2002 at 10:52
Quote:Scott Hall is a drunk ass faggot with no talent
just because he is a drunk doesnt mean he doesnt have any talent. nash is just another undertaker, he's big, old, has one move, and is way past his prime. hall on the other hand could get his shit in order and actually be succesful
lets not kid ourselves...none of the 3 coming in are going to give us **** matches...we know what we are going to get. to think otherwise is just crazy. i can't wait to see hall and nash, hogan i can wait for...god i can wait...if he stayed away as long as goldburg i would be grateful!!!
i realize none are great wrestlers, but its great to see them come back.