Full Version: Where am i from?
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help me think of a funny, kooky place to say that I'm from since everyone can see it now.
the space between gonzo's left testicle and his thigh
from my womb.
virgingrrl is in the lead so far
right next to the arizona iced teas , in the cooler on the left at pedros bodega

Edited By HedCold on Aug. 11 2002 at 10:16
Quote:right next to the arizona iced teas , in the cooler on the left at pedros bodega
hahaha i like that one

Edited By The Sleeper on Aug. 11 2002 at 9:57
Quote:virgingrrl is in the lead so far

Quote:Group: Members
Posts: 3741

right next to the arizona iced teas , in the cooler on the left at pedros bodega
Joined: Jan. 2002

I changed my mind. Better luck next time
mean old man.

so where can i be from? since you are all so very witty...
on top of sleeper
now that's my greatest football moment. ever.
Quote:on top of sleeper right next to the arizona iced teas, in the cooler on the left at pedros bodega
glad i could help
sleeper your should say underneath vg right next to the arizona iced teas , in the cooler on the left at pedros bodega
there ya go
Quote:sleeper your should say underneath vg
Quote:pedros bodega
I didn't realize that my d......never mind.....
Quote:squeezing between sleeper and VG, right next to the arizona iced teas , in the cooler on the left at pedros bodega

says who?