Full Version: Stick baby jesus where the sun don't shine - ...
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Motherfuckers stole my idea!!!!!!!!

I came up with that years back and I was mocked!!!!!
eggplants = jesus?
How many times do I have to hear about a post I did ONCE, over a year ago?
i plan on bringing it up a few more times, just because. :-p
Now I know why people equated you to LZ.
now that was just mean
Truth Hurts.
did you come up with that clever title all by yourself?
can't we go back to focusing on the baby jesus buttplug? i'm hurt enough :disappointed:
Galt gave it to him.
should i have replaced 'where the sun don't shine' with 'up your sisters shithole!!!!!'?
Hemmehroid laced AIDS ridden bloody sore covered shitbox
Quote:MEAT FLAPS!!!!!!
Grumpy???? :disappointed:
Do I get the job?
well, the final decision isn't mine...but i'll put in a good word for you... you'll need to send your resume to [email protected]
Quote:this just seems wrong.

What's even worse is that you get it in glow in the dark white. :crackhead:
You should never get a butt plug that's not dark in color....

What the Hell is the Jesus Jackhammer?
Quote:You should never get a butt plug that's not dark in color....
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