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crx- some fruit gums and a beano
crx - a clean apartment
crx- some new kitchen cabinets
crx - lunch with ken
crx- a blanc mange
crx - a fsu jersey
crx- the right to slap anyone who asks "what kind of beer do you have?"
crx - a less racially insensitive avatar
i'm out of stuff
crx-fish and chips
AM - an arabian rug
yay :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: this almost makes up for everyone missing my half birthday...
CRX- a paddle
Quote:VG - a webcam
VG - A stiff cock
VG: Froy voodoo doll
VG- a lifetime pass to the original cast of that piece of shit i work on

i love all my presents! :loveya:

slash- matthew ryan as his bestest friend...after me that is.
kid- a tall sexy blonde chick with big boobies.
maynard- free cd's from any music store, for as long as he lives.
crx- a job that pays her to do what ever she wants.
spit- a house out in the middle of nowhere and an unlimited supply of the smokey smokey.
arpi- a cotton-less world
luna- a doggy farm, with all the puupies she wants
gonzo- a date with me to a vin desiel movie
sean- can have a free pass to what ever he wants.
sleeper- gets to be underneath me right next to the arizona iced teas , in the cooler on the left at pedros bodega
alkey- a puppybus t-shirt. *touch touch*

Quote:arpi- a cotton-less world
OAS: A map to the fountian of youth
GS: a no holds barred steel cage match with Froy
Gooch: Wierd Al's phone number
Maynard: manly socks with a side order of Bjork tickets
Kid A: Being Black For Dummies
VG: See GS
Sean - the ability to weed out the psychos before dating them. (although the stories are hilarious)
Maynard - a full beard rather than that chin duster he's so proud of :thumbs-up:
Spit - a smaller ass and bigger boobies ;-)
Ladi - free acid baths at any nuclear facility in the US
Ken and OAS - a room at the Super 8
LZMF - a clue, or a Hayabusa just to tick the wife off :lol:
VG - a huge house with acres & acres of property and the biggest doggie she wants ;-)
Sean - the Alibi for when he kills Maynard
Spit - a feild of "joy" :fuggin:
Alkey - a matching ear
Silera - a muzzle for her kids and/or a full time nanny until they are in their 30's
Trish - any car she wants... besides a CRX
Gonzo - a date with James Dean
Sleeper - an original Salvador Dali
Kid - Christina Aguleira
Luna - Bob Dylan's address & security code
OAS - the ability to admit he checks out his daughter's friends ;-)
Arpi - his modship back

hmmm.... that's all i can think of for now... i'll think of some more later
I'd give my dick to DGW just so I could sniff it when he gives it back.
Jack - A life.
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